After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1060 Why Are You So Conscious

Chapter 1060 Why Are You So Conscious

Lin Qingyan asked, "Honey, I want to know if this marriage certificate is real or fake."

Although he had been prepared for a long time, when he really heard the girl ask, Gu Yichen's whole body turned cold, as if an abandoned child had been thrown into the ice cellar, struggling how to get out.

Gu Yichen said, "Xiaoyan, listen to me, this marriage certificate is real."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan not only did not question the man, but instead drew a smile on the corner of her mouth, "It's fine if it's true."

Gu Yichen has not yet reacted to Lin Qingyan's words.

I only heard Lin Qingyan say, "Honey, I was thinking of proposing to you in the next few days. Seeing that Mom and Uncle Nan have already got the marriage certificate, I thought that we would also bring the marriage certificate back in a few days. Think of you as mine."

"Baby, why are you so conscious?" Lin Qingyan threw herself into Gu Yichen's arms contentedly.

Gu Yichen had already fully reacted. In just a few minutes, Gu Yichen's life had undergone earth-shaking changes.

After being questioned by Lin Qingyan, she kept saying that just now Gu Yichen was able to breathe normally like a drowning child rescued.

"Xiaoyan, I'm sorry, I brought the marriage certificate without your consent." Gu Yichen held Lin Qingyan in his arms with great contentment, like holding a peerless treasure.

"Gu Yichen, do you know? How happy I was when I knew this marriage certificate was real?"

Lin Qingyan stood on tiptoe and kissed the corner of Gu Yichen's lips.

Gu Yichen suddenly picked up Lin Qingyan and walked into the rest room in the office.

At the same time, Ling Yuhao of the Ling Group was having a meeting at the company when his cell phone rang.

After Ling Yuhao saw the content sent from the phone, he couldn't help but smile.

Feng Han was too lazy to meddle in the affairs of the Ling Group, so he handed over the management rights to Ling Yuhao.

After the meeting, Ling Yuhao went back to the Ling's house that he hadn't been back for a long time.

Since Lin Yuanyuan had a miscarriage, Ling Shiwei and Xia Yehua seemed to have aged a lot overnight. After all, they were the first descendants of the Ling family, so they would have miscarried if they said they had a miscarriage.

Lin Yuanyuan also had a miscarriage, Xia Yehua didn't give Lin Yuanyuan too much face even when she was angry, she still had to rely on Lin Yuanyuan to give birth to her grandson.

Lin Yuanyuan is also a smart person. When she was running Divine, she helped Ling Xiao a lot by recruiting some big bosses. Ever since Ling Yuhao took over the company, she suffered several dumb losses.

For Ling Shiwei, both are his own sons, and it is the same whoever takes over.

But Xia Yehua was different.

Xia Yehua and Ling Yuhao are considered feuds.

In the living room, Lin Yuanyuan peeled an apple and sent it to Xia Yehua, "Mom, eating some fruit is good for your health."

Wang Lan has completely finished playing, and Lin Tianwan has no right to speak in the Lin family. Now Lin Yuanyuan still has to try her best to please the two old things of the Ling family.

If she hadn't been pregnant at the time, these two old things might have really planned to let Lin Qingyan in.

Xia Yehua took over the filial piety from Lin Yuanyuan, "Yuanyuan, if you really want to take care of my health, give me a big fat grandson as soon as possible. Mom's health is guaranteed to be great."

"And Yuanyuan, is Ling Xiao going home today? As a wife, you should care more about your husband," Xia Yehua said.

Ling Shiwei echoed, "That's right."

"I've already gone to find Ling Xiao personally. Ling Xiao is busy with company affairs recently, but Ling Xiao said that he will definitely go home tonight." Lin Yuanyuan now needs to rely on Ling Xiao to conceive a child to gain a foothold in the Ling family.

(End of this chapter)

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