Chapter 1067

After Lin Qingyan hung up the phone, Xia Yehua still made a few phone calls a little bit unwillingly.

Lin Qingyan didn't answer.

Lin Qingyan was notified by Zhao Xinyao to come to the company because of a new quarterly meeting.

Lin Qingyan's recent work is also intermittent.

After Tan Yin Yang was released on the second day of the new year, the word of mouth was very good and the box office soared all the way. In addition, Drunken Youth was successfully broadcast abroad, and Lin Qingyan welcomed many foreign fans.

After a lengthy meeting, Lin Qingyan went to Zhao Xinyao's office.

"I didn't expect Jin Xu to throw all the resources I didn't want on Qiao Yi. It seems that Xia Meng's matter didn't affect her, but it was a turn of events." Lin Qingyan leaned on the sofa and sat down.

"When will it turn around? This Jin Xu is getting bolder and bolder now," said Zhao Xinyao.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help but said, "Isn't it bold to have some power? Those resources are a waste here. I guess Jin Xu wants to praise Qiao Yi to make money. After all, it is better to praise someone who has something to do with him than to cultivate a white-eyed wolf." , It’s just that many resources have gone down, and the splash hasn’t made anything.”

In fact, someone like Lin Qingyan is really a rare genius in the entertainment industry for several years.

Not everyone can compare.

Lin Qingyan's success at the time was due to the girl's own efforts and a little bit of luck.

After all, Lin Qingyan didn't have any good resources at the beginning, and the resources she ate were leftovers from others.

It really echoes the saying of the ancients, gold always shines.

"Forget it, sister Yaoyao, does she have any work to do next?" Lin Qingyan asked.

"April has been reserved according to your requirements, but there are still many jobs in March, including AL's new product endorsement advertisement, a guest appearance in Yusheng, and a business trip in country F."

"I know Sister Yaoyao." After Lin Qingyan finished speaking, a message popped up on WeChat on her mobile phone.

It's from the white puppy.

Since she was cheated by Bai last time, what Lin Qingyan remarked to Bai was the white puppy.

White puppy "Sister Lin comes out to play disco at night."

"No..." Lin Qingyan replied to Bai Bai in seconds.

"Sister Lin, come out, or I will take the boss to your house." Bai threatened Lin Qingyan.

"Where did you say it was?" Lin Qingyan asked.

White sent an address.

After Lin Qingyan left the company, she went directly to the blue bar with white hair.

As soon as she entered, there was loud music. She had been out of this kind of life for a long time, and Lin Qingyan still couldn't accept it.

Lin Qingyan wandered around but couldn't find where Bai was.

Lin Qingyan had no choice but to call Bai Bai, "Where are you?"

"Sister Lin, I've already seen you. I'll come and find me in your direction at ten o'clock."

Lin Qingyan skillfully walked to Bai Bai's side, "What's your situation, why did you remember to invite me to drink?"

The place where the white is located is the bar counter of the bar, which is relatively secluded and has a good view.

"Sister Lin misses you?" Bai Bai tugged at Lin Qingyan's sleeve and acted like a baby.

Lin Qingyan was so frightened that she quickly withdrew her hand, "Spicy eyes."

"Please tell the truth, okay?" Lin Qingyan didn't really want to watch the white show without objects.

"Help this lady have a glass of moonlight." Bai Bai did not answer Lin Qingyan's question.

"I don't drink, please give me a glass of lemonade, thank you." Lin Qingyan said to the waiter at the bar.

Simply because the light here is very dim, it is impossible to see people's faces clearly, so Lin Qingyan is not afraid of being exposed.

(End of this chapter)

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