After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 1085 There are wolves in front and tigers in the back

Chapter 1085 There are wolves in front and tigers in the back
Suddenly some grandmas in their 60s and [-]s appeared outside the crowd, holding egg baskets in their hands, shouting "Get out of the way, get out of the way."

Seeing a group of elderly people, the reporter was also afraid of accidents, so he hurriedly made way for a group of old women.

The old lady picked up the rotten vegetable leaves and eggs in her basket and threw them at Lin Qingyan's car.

"Nowadays girls are good and don't want to learn, but they learn to break up other people's families. We old women look down on such people the most."

Soon the windshield of Lin Qingyan's car was covered with countless eggs and rotten vegetables, making it impossible to see the situation outside.

For this sudden incident, the reporters were not expecting it.

"How could this be? These old ladies are also fans of elves, right?" Gong Yueman asked in a mocking tone.

The most embarrassing thing is that the boss may not even know who the elf is, and even blame the boss's wife.

"I'll call the company now and ask them to find bodyguards." Otherwise, they're really stuck here and can't leave.

There are wolves in front and tigers behind.

There were many media broadcasting live on the Internet, and many local fans from the imperial capital also rushed to the hospital to watch.

As a result, this place has been gradually surrounded by water.

In the car, Lin Qingyan saw more and more people and said, "Sister Yaoyao, I think I'd better get out of the car and explain clearly to everyone."

"Qingyan is really not the time to explain now. We only have three women here, and we don't even have a bodyguard. Even if we want to explain, those old ladies rushed over before we even opened our mouths. It's too dangerous," Zhao Xinyao stopped.

Gong Yue quickly dissuaded, "Sister Yanyan, why don't you just wait, people from the company will be here soon."

If something happened to Lin Qingyan in her hands, she didn't have to wait for Gu Yichen to investigate, she could kill herself directly.

What's more, the proprietress is not alone now, and there is a young master in her stomach.

If Lin Qingyan's temper became stubborn, ten bulls would not be able to come.

Gong Yue didn't pay attention, Lin Qingyan unlocked the car by herself, pushed the door open and walked out.

The moment they saw Lin Qingyan, the reporter was a little bit late in reacting, and kept stepping forward to take pictures.

Seeing this, Gong Yue and Zhao Xinyao hurriedly got out of the car to protect Lin Qingyan, now Lin Qingyan is also considered a pregnant woman.

The eggs in the hands of the grandmas have almost been used up, but there are still many that have not been thrown away. The eggs pass through the crowd and smash directly at Lin Qingyan, "a woman who corrupts morals."

Seeing this, Gong Yue quickly hugged Lin Qingyan in her arms.

Someone in the crowd smashed a stone, but Gongyue blocked it with his arm, but Gongyue's arm was smashed with a big cut.

Now this scene has become more and more difficult to control.

Zhao Xinyao said, "Everyone, don't mess around. Our Lin Qingyan also wants to explain to you about this matter, and I hope everyone can give us Qingyan a chance to speak. There are also many probes from the aunts here, as well as reporters. The camera recorded everything clearly, and we will pursue legal responsibility."

As soon as the aunts heard that they would pursue legal responsibility, the upsurge just subsided instantly, and some people ran away with their baskets while they were not paying attention.

The reporters seized this opportunity and began to ask questions.

"Miss Lin Qingyan, are you really pregnant?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, how do you want to explain that you are a third party involved?"

Zhao Xinyao said, "You have to ask the questions one by one, otherwise how will we, Lin Qingyan, answer."

(End of this chapter)

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