Chapter 269

Smart as Liang Chen immediately understood what Lin Qingyan wanted to do.

Liang Chen said in disbelief, "You don't intend to buy Yunshang, do you?"

I have to admit that although Liang Chen took off his peaked cap, although he has a western face, his fair skin and brown pupils are still quite handsome.

It's just that as a hacker, he often lives in the dark, which makes this guy rarely show his face in public.

"You're pretty smart?" Lin Qingyan couldn't help but praise.

"Qingyan, you don't have a fever, do you? Are you out of your mind? Elf is a pure high-end brand. Yunshang is just a small domestic brand. Isn't buying Yunshang a bargain for Elf?"

Liang Chen chattered endlessly.

After Liang Chen finished speaking, Lin Qingyan patted Liang Chen on the shoulder with a heavy responsibility, "I have thought about it, and it is precisely because of this that I want to transform the elves. Liang Chen, I know that you will manage the elves until It’s not easy today, I’ve really worked hard on you.”

"In everyone's eyes, the elf is now the moon that is beyond reach. Don't you often persuade me to get more high-end designs? Although I never like purposeful designs, the acquisition of Yunshang is different. After the acquisition of Yunshang, I will use The operation of Yunshang is for sale."

"Don't worry, elves are still elves, and Yunshang is still Yunshang, but I design some mid-to-high-end clothing in the name of elves."

"The elves have been high and mysterious fairies all these years, and it's time to get a little bit of a firework."

The mother's dream was never the current mode of the elf.

One of the most important reasons why Liang Chen made the elf into what it is today is that she is lazy and doesn't want to face everyone as Lin Qingyan, let alone being disturbed, and only designs a few sets of clothes when she is in a good mood.

Word of mouth and Liangchen's packaging made her so mysterious.

And my mother's dream is that everyone can wear the clothes she designed, and she didn't talk about the lofty ambition of winning awards.

The most important point is that the clothes designed by Yunshang are very different from those of her mother, and there are many similarities.

The reason why she agreed with Liang Chen to continue to manage the packaging and expand the elf's reputation is for the sake of someday today.

A hint of loss and sadness flashed across Liang Chen's eyes, and the firm look in the girl's eyes clearly made up his mind to tell him.

If there is no platform for Yunshang, I am afraid that the girl will directly register for a new store today.

After all, Yunshang has been in business for many years and is considered a little famous in China.

Liang Chen has always known that although Lin Qingyan is very talented in design, she doesn't put her mind on it. It is because of her mother that she is able to come to this day.

Clearly the time has come.

She wants to use elves to fulfill a dream for her mother.

Liang Chen said, "Since you've already made up your mind, I'll help you buy Yunshang."

Lin Qingyan's eyes suddenly became moist, she thought that Liang Chen would definitely keep his voice of opposition.

Rather than saying that the elf is her painstaking effort, it is better to say that the elf is Liang Chen's single-handed support until today.

Otherwise, without Liang Chen, there would be no elves today.

The most touching thing is that you keep going forward willfully in the rain, but he is willing to silently hold up an umbrella for you, a small sky.

Lin Qingyan wiped away her tears, "Liang Chen, thank you for supporting me."

"You are my boss. Of course I obeyed orders when you said to buy Yunshang." Liang Chen smiled and patted Lin Qingyan's head.

(End of this chapter)

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