Chapter 289 Abused by Black

Fifteen greeted respectfully, "Second Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother."

Hei Hei is usually taciturn, so Lin Qingyan didn't say anything.

Bai said, "Go and get busy."

Fifteen walked a few steps and then looked back at Lin Qingyan, always feeling something was wrong and whispered, "Why do you feel that senior brother has become shorter?"

Lin Qingyan, who hadn't gone far, naturally heard Shiwu muttering to herself.

Lin Qingyan quickly raised her hand to cover Bai's mouth before Bai smiled.

Because she still doesn't want to be taken back by that guy.

Bai sent Lin Qingyan out of the villa area to a safe place, Lin Qingyan held back all the way, and suddenly burst into laughter, "I'm laughing to death, what the hell is your second senior brother Bai, it can't be Bajie. "

White's head was covered with black lines from laughter instantly.

Who knows how long he had been with Hei at that time, almost fought for three days and three nights and was abused by Hei, and he managed to be ranked as the second senior brother.

She knew that Lin Qingyan would laugh at him, and when she got back, he would teach Shiwu how to behave.

Lin Qingyan has long seen through Bai's thoughts, and she has spent the most time with Bai in the five years here, "I'm afraid you are being abused by black again."

"Sister Lin, how can you say that, the guy in black is a pervert, please don't compare me with him." Bai looked around Lin Qingyan.

"I think you'd better take off your makeup quickly, staring at the black face is really looking for a rhythm."

Lin Qingyan touched her black face and said, "I think it's pretty good, black is so handsome."

In fact, these two people love each other and kill each other when they are together. In the eyes of outsiders, the two of them are arrogant and under attack by a black belly, and they have a matching face.

"Sister Lin lost her love in an instant," Bai Bai snorted coldly.

Lin Qingyan curled her lips, "It's not cute at all, you should say this to senior brother, and senior brother Bao Buqi will give you a love education."

"Sister Lin, when are you leaving now, can you come and see me?"

"Thank you Bai, I will definitely come to see you, I'll go first." Lin Qingyan saw that it was getting late, she had better go back quickly.

Lin Qingyan waved her hand and stopped a taxi on the side of the road. Lin Qingyan took off her wig in an instant, and took off the makeup on her face first.

It's good to pretend to be black, but if black knows that she is fake and fake products and also molested white, black probably will chase her after her.

To be on the safe side, destroy the evidence first.

At the same time, Gu Yichen's helicopter had just landed in country M when he received a call from Mike.

Gu Yichen said eagerly in a cold voice, "Have you found my girlfriend yet?"

Mike said, "Mr. Gu, we have already found the abandoned factory where your girlfriend was kidnapped. It's just that there was a big fire here. It seems that the man-made police have intervened. But Mr. Gu, don't worry."

Before Mike finished speaking, Gu Yichen coldly interrupted the man's words, "Address."

"I sent it to your phone."

After the man finished speaking, he sent the current address to Gu Yichen's cell phone.

Gu Yichen looked at the address on the phone, for some reason, hesitation flashed in his mind, and his intuition told him that nothing would happen to Xiaoyan.

The girl's bright smile flashed through his mind.

Gu Yichen said, "Go to the abandoned building in Dongcheng."

The person who came to pick up Gu Yichen was arranged by Mike, who was familiar with the road here.

Although Gu Yichen's influence is great, it only exists in the country of Hua, and Gu Yichen in country M only develops investment and business.

(End of this chapter)

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