Chapter 350
What's more, that guy Chang Yu is dead-brained and doesn't have that ability.

Nonsense, how could a top hacker like Liang Chen steal something from the computer and leave traces for others to discover.

Allen cursed in a low voice and said, "Damn, what a hell."

Allen thought about it, and found another thing when he was investigating the design draft.

Allen said, "Boss Lin, the elves seem to want to buy Yunshang too."

Lin Yuanyuan was startled when she heard this, she couldn't help standing up from the swivel chair, how could she have never heard of the name of an elf.

Those studios that wanted to compete with her before were settled by her.

If the elves want to acquire Yunshang, their chances of winning are almost gone. Who can compete with the elves.

The most important thing is that everyone has never even seen what an elf looks like.

By the way, don't elves always take the high-end route?

Lin Yuanyuan couldn't help asking, "Is what you said true?"

"Yes, this is what a friend of mine in the design circle told me. He has always liked elves. I heard that the director of elves has returned to China a few days ago, and the new elf studio is in China. There is no specific location. People know that it is still in the confidentiality stage.”

Speaking of which, Allen was a little unspeakably excited, not only his friend, but he also wanted to visit that genius in the design industry.

Lin Yuanyuan couldn't help snorting coldly, sat down, sneered and said, "An elf who doesn't even dare to show his face has nothing to worry about. Alan, you are the runner-up of the M country red carpet festival, and your status will not be lower than that of an elf."

Allen didn't speak, probably only he himself knew how he got this award.

The premise is that there is no need to imitate the design concept of elves.

He remembered that when he was in his senior year, the elves had already won awards abroad, including the championship.

Mr. Dawson at that time was also compared by the elves.

It is said that the elves have been invited by many clothing companies, but none of them agreed.

Later, the Elf Studio was founded independently, and many young people with dreams wanted to learn from teachers, but they were all rejected by the Elf.

"Ellen no matter what, Yunshang will be in our pocket. This lawsuit will make Yunshang go bankrupt no matter what." Lin Yuanyuan pinched her fingers, her eyes showing coldness.

The reason why Lin Yuanyuan is so sure is because she has seen those design drafts on Allen's computer, and Yun Shang, who is still struggling to support En Changyu, has no such ability.
three days later.

Yunshang already had some fans of her own, and Lin Yuanyuan's fans followed in the middle. In addition, this matter was already very troublesome, and the media was afraid that there would be no disturbance.

This matter involved Lin Yuanyuan even more.

Starting from the Divine prosecution, the whole case is completely transparent.

Just got the results today.

There are three Weibo articles that account for the hot searches.

'Lin Yuanyuan Divine lost the lawsuit. '

'Ella does not occupy the theft. '

'Fans continue to support Ella. '

Liang Chen really found a good lawyer for Chang Yu, and what Chang Yu brought out was a dated manuscript. At that time, Alan was still the designer of Yunshang.

"The idiotic fans of Divine should wake up now, why did they have the cheek to call for a thief for no reason?"

"I ran away with others, how can I have the face to pursue the copyright of the past."

Most people are simply idle and bored to eat melons.

There are also some brainless fans of Lin Yuanyuan who still try their best to defend their idols.

(End of this chapter)

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