After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 362 I Don't Eat Seafood

Chapter 362 I Don't Eat Seafood

Lin Qingyan is not too picky about where she lives, as long as she can sleep.

It's just that Mo Tingmu has a lot of things to do, and he clamored to change rooms as soon as he came, and finally opened an executive suite at his own expense.

Taking advantage of Mo Tingmu's fuss, Lin Yuanyuan moved to the executive suite naturally.

Lin Qingyan stood in front of the hotel's floor-to-ceiling windows to breathe in the fresh air.

The air in H City is good, and the temperature is a bit warmer than the imperial capital. In fact, the environment of this hotel is not bad. It can be regarded as a garden hotel. Standing on the balcony, you can see the lake in the back garden that is swaying with the wind.

Lin Qingyan sent a text message to Gu Yichen [I'm here. 】

Maybe Gu Yichen was still busy, Lin Qingyan waited for a few minutes and still didn't get Gu Yichen's reply.

Before Lin Qingyan could wait for Gu Yichen's reply, Gong Yue had already come and knocked on the door of Lin Qingyan's guest room, "Sister Yanyan, should you order a meal or go down to eat."

It's just getting dark now, and the colorful lights hanging on the tree are very beautiful, shining mottled light, "Go down and eat."

Lin Qingyan took out a long sweater from the suitcase and put it on, and went directly to the restaurant downstairs.

Before entering the restaurant, Lin Qingyan saw Jiang Sizhou sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and ordering food.

Jiang Sizhou is usually a bit of a bored person. Apart from filming and discussing plot accidents with the director, he seldom talks to others in the crew. Even the female lead Lin Yuanyuan who is his partner can be ignored by him.

In the play, she and Jiang Sizhou have no rivalry.

Lin Qingyan neither liked nor hated this senior.

Lin Qingyan is not the kind of person who is looking for boredom, she walked directly in the opposite direction, but just as Lin Qingyan turned around, Jiang Sizhou just got up from the seat, and said to Lin Qingyan in a low and refined voice, "Miss Lin, do you mind?" together?"

Lin Qingyan wondered if Jiang Sizhou called the wrong person, because she and Jiang Sizhou had never spoken a word.

But judging by Jiang Sizhou's attitude, he didn't want to be playing tricks on her.

Jiang Sizhou's mind was already delicate, and seeing Lin Qingyan's hesitant thoughts, he explained, "I'm sorry to bother Ms. Lin? Ms. Lin's acting skills are good, I just want to simply get to know Ms. Lin."

Jiang Sizhou said it seriously, as if he had other ideas.

In the past few years, there have been no scandals about Jiang Sizhou on the Internet, so this Jiang Sizhou is not only good at life, but also can guess other people's thoughts.

Otherwise, how could it be possible to get to where it is today in this big dye vat.

Jiang Sizhou is not Mo Tingmu's kind of person who can retain fans based on his looks. Although this big actor looks good, he is still a level behind the current Xiao Xianrou, and his looks are not enough to make up for his acting skills.

People with good acting skills like to compete with people with good acting skills.

Lin Qingyan shrugged without any doubt, "Yes."

The table was a square table for four, and the gentleman Jiang Sizhou stepped forward to help Lin Qingyan open the seat opposite, "Miss Lin, please."

"Thank you." Lin Qingyan sat down and put her phone aside.

Jiang Sizhou waved his hand and called the waiter.

"Miss Lin, what do you want to eat? The pan-fried sea bass in this hotel is still very good. Miss Lin, would you like some?"

Lin Qingyan, who was flipping through the menu, smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I don't eat seafood. Help me have some pasta, another fruit salad, and a taro ice cream."

She wanted to eat ice cream in the imperial capital before, but Gu Yichen kept her from daring to eat it, so she finally got it today.

 PS: Boss, your woman is stealing ice cream, you don't care.

(End of this chapter)

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