Chapter 369

Lin Qingyan registered a female number without holding back, and easily broke into the number one in the world.

She doesn't go online often, and she doesn't often talk in the world. Many people suspect that she is a perverted ladyboy who plays with women.

The clothes that Lin Qingyan is wearing now are the clothes she won from fighting the Demon King with Mo Tingmu last year.

It is said that the game company only made this set called Nishang Yuyi at that time, and there would never be a clash of shirts.

Lin Qingyan tapped on the keyboard flexibly with her fingers, and the villain of the skeleton elf on the screen moved coquettishly.

Lin Qingyan successfully killed one of the Demon King's subordinates, and the winner's light flashed on the screen.

"Lin Xiaoxiao's demeanor remains the same as before." Mo Tingmu hasn't played games with Lin Qingyan for a long time, and those bad teammates are not enough to hold him back.

The doorbell rang again.

Lin Qingyan stared at the screen without raising her head and said, "Go and open the door."

Mo Tingmu scratched his hair, obediently put on his slippers and went to open the door.

The moment Lin Qingyan heard the door close, she asked, "Who is it?"

"It's Mala Tang, do you still eat it? The scumbag bought it, I'll just throw it in the trash can for you." Mo Tingmu has gradually moved towards the trash can.

"Don't!" At the moment when Malatang was about to fall into the trash can, Lin Qingyan rushed forward at a speed of [-] meters and took away Malatang, and walked leisurely to the floor-to-ceiling window to open the packing box.

The tangy aroma of red oil came directly.

It was much better than the clear soup that Gu Yichen made for her, which was spicy and hot.

There is probably only red oil that can match Malatang.

Mo Tingmu sat across from Lin Qingyan with black lines all over his head, "Lin Xiaoxiao, this is the money of a scumbag."

Lin Qingyan took a bite, with a contented expression on her face, "Really? It seems that the scumbag's money doesn't care about my business. Why don't you eat if you have something to eat?"

The waiter was quite nice, and after buying so much for her, Lin Qingyan pushed Malatang towards Mo Tingmu and said, "Do you want to eat it? After eating, sister will play games with you."

Anyway, I can only enter the studio to record tomorrow afternoon, so I can still stay up late.

Lin Qingyan originally ordered a small amount at the table, although Mo Tingmu ordered a bunch of them, but he remembered that he bought them with the money of some scumbag and threw them all into the trash can. Seeing Lin Qingyan's delicious food now is a little bit Hungry "yes."

"Get a bowl yourself." Lin Qingyan took a bite of the vegetables, which were covered with red oil.

Mo Tingmu rummaged through the box to find a disposable bowl, and turned half of it upside down.

After Mo Tingmu took a bite, Lin Qingyan couldn't help asking, "How is it?"

"It's not as delicious as the one near the school before, but it's okay, Lin Xiaoxiao, do you still have a heart for the scumbag?" Mo Tingmu said in a concerned tone.

Lin Qingyan sneered, "Ling Xiao and I have been strangers for a long time, rabbits don't turn their backs, not to mention Ling Xiao's appearance is no longer in my sister's eyes."

Mo Tingmu thought so too, the dead girl now sees only Gu Yichen except Gu Yichen.

"Stay away from that guy Jiang Sizhou in the future, he obviously has no good intentions for you, and he also acts like a righteous and dignified wolf, a wolf in sheep's clothing," Mo Tingmu still couldn't help reminding.

Originally, Lin Qingyan didn't have much affection for Jiang Sizhou, but since he handed over the photo card, she has completely lost it.

It's not that she can't see Jiang Sizhou's thoughts.

It's just that it's not good to make too much trouble if we have to promote the new drama together.

Lin Qingyan knew Mo Tingmu's kindness, "Thank you for reminding me."

But she doesn't need to.

(End of this chapter)

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