After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 372 Spider-Man Is Superman

Chapter 372 Spider-Man Is Superman

No one expected that Pastor Moting would admit it so simply.

Now is the Internet age, and there are still reporters broadcasting live, and some fans are hanging in the live broadcast room, and just saw Mo Tingmu jumping on the Internet to help Mo Tingmu explain.

Hearing such a sentence suddenly, the hearts of the fans were shattered.

Some black fans immediately popped up, "They're all men, isn't this normal? There's nothing to be sad about, they don't love you anyway."

"Who is Lin Qingyan?"

Lin Qingyan had an affair with Mo Tingmu before, and some fans are still familiar with the name Lin Qingyan, especially cp fans who have seen the promotion of "Crazy Crossing".

"Of course it's Mu Qingcheng who is acting with Mo Tingmu."

"It's really shameless, you have hooked up with our family Mo Tingmu so quickly, and suddenly you want to boycott this drama."

"Really, is I, Jun Wushang, really together with Mu Qingcheng? These two people are a match for each other. Both of them have good looks and high EQ. My God, they are like a pair of lovers."

"You are not the only one upstairs, and I think so too."

"Let's just be together when people are together. These media really have nothing to do when they are full every day."

There are now two forces on the Internet, one is against it, and the other is the CP fans attracted by Mo Tingmu and Lin Qingyan.

The reporter asked again, "Mo Tingmu, may I ask if Lin Qingyan is your girlfriend now? Do you have anything to explain to the fans?"

"No" Mo Tingmu's meaning is already obvious, Lin Qingyan is not my girlfriend at all.

Since the two are not boyfriend and girlfriend, and now they are in the same room, no one can help but think about it.

Several reporters with long guns and short cannons have already broken into the guest room.

Mo Tingmu didn't stop him, it was obvious that he was hired to rush so fast.

Lin Qingyan's room is not big, and it's almost clear when she enters it. Not to mention Lin Qingyan in the room, there is not even a shadow of a woman. The reporter was afraid that Lin Qingyan would hide in the bathroom, and even opened the door of the bathroom. Still no one.

All the reporters who followed were stunned.

The fans in the live broadcast room were also a little confused.

"As for people, there is no one at all. I think someone deliberately blackmailed Mo Tingmu?"

"Isn't my Tingmu just a red dot, isn't it just a little arrogant? I still have a bit of appearance, do you have to hate my Tingmu so much?"

"Women, if you can't find a woman, I'll come."

The male reporter who rushed in first couldn't help but glanced at the window.

Mo Tingmu said impatiently, "This is the sixth floor. Do you think Lin Qingyan can fly down from the sixth floor as Spiderman or Superman?"

Hearing Mo Tingmu's words, the live broadcast immediately exploded.

"Hahaha, I, Ting Mu, are still so handsome."

"Ting Mu looks so cute."

The reporter who just looked at the window was embarrassed, but the male reporter couldn’t help being aggressive because he received money to relieve the disaster, "May I ask Mo Tingmu if you hid Lin Qingyan, otherwise how would you explain that this is Lin Qingyan's room?" .”

Hearing this, Mo Tingmu almost burst out laughing. I wonder if this reporter came here with an IQ?

Mo Tingmu said, "Although this is Junior Sister Lin's room, did I say that Junior Sister Lin is here? Before I can speak, you say that Junior Sister Lin is in this room, and you insist on breaking in to find Junior Sister Lin."

Mo Tingmu had an innocent expression on his face.

A reporter was left speechless by the question, blushed and said roughly, "Didn't you say that?"

(End of this chapter)

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