After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 386 Heaven knows that you know I know

Chapter 386 Heaven knows that you know I know
Gu Yichen suddenly reached out to grab the girl's hairy head, and supported the girl's waist with the other hand to prevent her from falling into the car.

Gu Yichen lowered his head and kissed the girl with sweet lips.

Lin Qingyan was dizzy and didn't react for a moment. When Lin Qingyan realized, she was firmly held by the man, and her lips were bitten by the man.

Pressing against the man's chest, Lin Qingyan could clearly feel the hostility in the man's body, although just now she felt that the man seemed to have something on his mind.

Lin Qingyan tried to push back the man's chest, only to find that the more she struggled, the man seemed to hold her tighter, her lips were numb like a suction cup.

Gu Jingnian in the driver's seat never expected that the plot would develop so quickly.

Gu Jingnian stared at the situation behind, his brother wouldn't want to force Lin Xiaoyan here, would he please give him some space.

Gu Jingnian just thought about it in his heart, but he sat in the driver's seat honestly, his eyes were almost fixed.

I really don’t know that the brother’s dog food is so delicious?
Mo Tingmu happened to see this scene, his nose was itchy, his eyes were a little bit astringent, his heart was like an overturned five-flavored bottle, all kinds of emotions lingered in his heart, obviously it was the result that he should have known earlier, when he suddenly faced it, the heart was silent for a long time My heart still couldn't help throbbing.

Gu Jingnian suddenly reached out his hand to block Mo Tingmu's sight and said, "Little uncle is not suitable for children, so don't watch it."

Gu Jingnian turned off the rear car mirror by the way.

Gu Yichen let go of Lin Qingyan during the girl's struggle, and Gu Yichen leaned closer to Lin Qingyan's ear, and it took two of them to hear a voice like a mosquito saying, "Xiaoyan, don't go."

Lin Qingyan was confused by Gu Yichen's words, so she really didn't understand why a man would say such a thing.

Even so, Lin Qingyan nodded obediently and said, "Okay."

Lin Qingyan could clearly feel that in addition to a hostility in the man, there was also a trace of cautiousness that could not be concealed, as if he was taking care of a fragile ceramic.

After Lin Qingyan put on Mo Tingmu's clothes, she took out a disposable mask from her bag and armed herself.

Ever since she appeared on a variety show, Lin Qingyan realized that she is not free to go out now, and she may be recognized at any time.

Lin Qingyan helped Gu Yichen find a mask by the way.

How can such a handsome appearance be casually let others watch it.

Simply because the weather is cold now, wearing a mask when going out will not make people feel weird.

Lin Qingyan and Gu Yichen got off the car and went straight into the supermarket.

Only Mo Tingmu and Gu Jingnian were left in the Maybach, and Gu Jingnian stared at Mo Tingmu curiously with his chin, "Little uncle, there is no one else in the car now, just the two of us, why don't you tell me about you and Lin Xiaoyan?" Go, I guarantee that God knows, you know and I know, and there will never be a third person to know."

Mo Tingmu looked at Gu Jingnian suspiciously, and continued to play the game to cover up his emotions, "You think I will believe you." Telling you is probably no different from telling people all over the world.

It's just that Mo Tingmu didn't play the game smoothly tonight, and he died several times in a row.

The equipment has dropped several levels.

"Little uncle, how can you not believe me? Little uncle, do you still not give up on Lin Qingyan?"

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." Mo Tingmu was playing a game on the surface, but he was very irritable.

Some people like to pretend to be crazy and foolish, and Gu Jingnian doesn't bother to expose it.

(End of this chapter)

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