Chapter 408 Chapter 36
In the past few days, she specifically asked Gu Yichen to tell Gong Yue that she doesn't have to follow her these few days, so it shouldn't be Gong Yue.

What I want to cry the most is that she didn't ask Liang Chen to take her home today to save trouble.

After much deliberation, she has been obediently not going anywhere during this period of time, and has not offended anyone, so no one should kill her to silence her.

Moreover, the person who followed her was quite clever. She followed her for so long without being discovered by her, so it should not be an ordinary follower.

Forget it or what Bai said is right, 36 runs is the best plan.

Lin Qingyan ran away, almost trotting all the way back to Villa No. [-] in Yuyuan.

When Lin Qingyan entered the room, she bent over and panted non-stop. Lin Qingyan panted a few times and looked around the room only to find that Gu Yichen was not in the room.

Rhubarb was still lying on the sofa, raised his eyelids to look at Lin Qingyan, and continued to sleep on his stomach.

Lin Qingyan helped her forehead helplessly, is this still her rhubarb?How lazy it is.

Lin Qingyan made several moves at Rhubarb, but Rhubarb reluctantly stepped forward, with an unhappy face as if saying, 'If it wasn't for the sake of you being my master, I wouldn't have come here. '

"Where's Rhubarb and Gu Yichen?" Lin Qingyan didn't want to talk to Rhubarb anymore.

Da Huang wagged her tail, and led Lin Qingyan upstairs to Gu Yichen's bedroom.

Gu Yichen's door was ajar, and Lin Qingyan walked in as soon as she pushed it. Lin Qingyan was afraid of seeing something she shouldn't have seen, so she took a few steps inside tentatively. Just as she was about to call Gu Yichen, she saw the man wearing The pajamas are standing on the balcony and talking on the phone.

The man seemed to have just taken a shower, his clothes were a little loose, and there were still some drops of water in his hair. The back of the man standing on the balcony was straight in a straight line, even if it was just a back, it was fascinating.

The voice of the man on the phone can be heard faintly even through the glass window.

On the balcony, Gu Yichen originally wanted to call Xiaoyan, but before the call was made, Gu Ningyuan, the old man of the Gu family, had already called.

"Chenchen, it will be thirty tomorrow, come back tomorrow to celebrate the new year, when the time comes, we will get together as a family." Gu Ningyuan was silent for a moment and said, "Chenchen, if your mother is willing to come, let your mother come with you."

"No need, my mother doesn't want to go there." Gu Yichen directly refused for Lu Furong without even thinking about it.

"Then Chenchen, why don't you come over with Jingnian, our family hasn't been together for a long time, I heard from your father whether you have found a girlfriend recently."

Gu Yichen frowned slightly, but still let out a low, muffled snort.

"Since you've already found a girlfriend, I'll bring your girlfriend along to show grandpa tomorrow." Gu Ningyuan thought that although he was not as good as the grandson who pushes the waves forward in the Yangtze River, he was also an all-powerful figure.

Even though he has been ill for the past few years, he still talked about one or two things. Although it was a discussion tone, it seemed more like a decision had already been made.

"Let's talk about it later." Gu Yichen didn't directly reject Gu Ningyuan.

After speaking, he hung up the phone without giving Gu Ningyuan any chance to refute.

Gu Yichen pushed open the window and entered the bedroom only to find that Lin Qingyan was standing quietly in a corner of the room, holding something like a book in her hand and reading it seriously.

He didn't notice at all that Gu Yichen had finished his phone call and came in.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Yichen put the phone on the sofa, and gradually approached Lin Qingyan.

(End of this chapter)

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