Chapter 429
In the blink of an eye, Shi Qi saw Bai coming towards him, like a camel seeing a source of water deep in the desert, his eyes were so happy that he almost rushed up to give Bai a bear hug.

Seeing this, Shi Qi interrupted Lin Qingyan's words, "Senior Brother Bai, you're here."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan turned her head and saw Bai standing behind her. Since Bai helped her escape in country M last time, she had never seen Bai again.

I haven't seen Bai for a long time and seems to be a little thinner. He should have practiced with the big brother a lot.

Thinking that Bai should know what's going on outside, Lin Qingyan immediately rushed forward, "What's going on outside Bai."

Bai Bai looked at the worried look on this girl's face, and made it clear that he was not worried about that guy. He was afraid that if he saw it, he wouldn't know what kind of madness he would suffer.

Bai Bai muttered, "Sister Lin, you don't even know that you want to miss senior brother, and senior brother is very sad."

Lin Qingyan's head is full of black lines, when will she be able to distinguish the priorities in white.

"No, Senior Brother Bai, are you sure you won't let me out."

Knowing that he couldn't hear good things from this dead girl, Bai Bai looked directly at Shi Qi and said, "Tear down the one over there and let her go."

"Really? Brother Bai, I will definitely miss you next time." Lin Qingyan blinked at Bai several times.

Shi Qi looked at Bai in surprise.

He had wanted to let Lin Qingyan go a long time ago, but he was sure that the boss would not lose his temper after letting Lin Qingyan go.

"What black said, I can't help it." Bai seemed to see Shi Qi's thoughts, and shrugged helplessly.

Lin Qingyan knew where the good intentions of these two guys were, she was clearly afraid that something would happen if Feng Han and Gu Yichen continued to stalemate like this, "Thank you, Brother Hei, for me."

Lin Qingyan swayed and was about to leave, but a helpless white voice sounded behind her, "Are you sure you can go out through the main entrance, or are you going to give the boss a hug? Sister Lin, I found out how you have become stupid since you followed Gu Yichen." It's over."

Lin Qingyan helped her forehead helplessly.

Bai Bai gave Shi Qi a look, and Shi Qi walked under the French window that Lin Qingyan had been resisting just now, and raised her foot, only to hear a bang, and countless cracks appeared on the heavy French window.

This is a high-end villa, and the tempered glass is almost always used for this kind of floor-to-ceiling windows, so she just spent a long time trying to get it open.

It's just seventeen, which is too simple.

Lin Qingyan's eyes widened in disbelief, and she watched Shiqi raise her foot again, and the huge floor-to-ceiling windows shattered like this.

Just like that, the two-legged glass window was broken.

Looking at Lin Qingyan's surprised expression, Bai Bai naturally folded his hands around his chest and said dismissively, "Sister Lin, you are almost being turned into a waste by Gu Yichen now, and you can't even solve a glass window."

Lin Qingyan probably ran away long ago if she could solve it.

Lin Qingyan nodded innocently, she can't be blamed, but Shi Qi is too strong.

"Brother Bai, I'm leaving, I will miss you."

"It's a good thing you're a dead girl who has a conscience and knows to miss me."

Because this is the first floor, it is very convenient for Lin Qingyan to run.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows is a piece of soft lawn. Lin Qingyan stepped on the soft lawn and looked around. There is no place to run here. The only way to go out is probably the door where Gu Yichen is.

Lin Qingyan was far away, although she couldn't see the man's face clearly.

For the first time, Lin Qingyan couldn't wait to throw herself into the arms of a man.

Lin Qingyan bent her body and moved towards Gu Yichen, trying to lower her existence value as much as possible to prevent Fenghan and the others from discovering her.

 Thanks for running out of food.reward

(End of this chapter)

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