After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 441 My sister wants to live a few more years

Chapter 441 My sister wants to live a few more years

One of the girls replied, "Who knows, wasn't there a lot of noise a while ago saying that the two are childhood sweethearts? It seems normal to be together, but I hope that the two of them can be together so that I can trust my childhood sweetheart again." "

"Anyway, I feel that the two of them are really suitable. It's the first time that I have a heart for my idol to be with someone else."

The conversation between the two girls was clearly heard by those sitting in the back.

Mo Ting raised his head, even though he was wearing a peaked cap and a mask, he could still see the arrogant face of this guy.

Lu Furong kept nodding and said, "Actually, I think so too."

Because before knowing that "Crazy Crossing" was filmed by Xiaoyan and Mo Tingmu together, Lu Furong has been reading the previously released promotional videos on the Internet, as well as some spoilers released under the "Crazy Crossing" official Weibo.

Lu Furong even watched Lin Qingyan's "I Just Met You" with Song Ma. '

Lin Qingyan, who was drinking Coke, coughed violently, and gradually felt the continuous air-conditioning from her side, just like turning on a refrigerator.

Lin Qingyan felt cold all over her body, she looked at Gu Yichen quietly, and she saw Gu Yichen's face was dark and ugly, and the aura around her continued to drop.

Lin Qingyan sighed secretly in her heart, "Girl, since we are here to watch the movie seriously, please be serious, please don't murder my sister, my sister still wants to live for a few more years, after all, I haven't won the award I want." '

Lin Qingyan said tentatively, "They are just more excited, Gu Yichen, do you want popcorn?"

Lin Qingyan delivered the popcorn she gave when she came in to Gu Yichen.

Gu Yichen had never eaten this kind of thing before, but he still took one and stuffed it into his mouth under the girl's sincere gaze.

The movie was at eight o'clock, and the staff started showing it on the hour.

High-definition images flashed on the big screen.

When the movie first came out, it was the scene when Lin Qingyan first joined the film crew. At that time, Li Jun was still her manager. At that time, Fang Fang did not hesitate to put a lot of seafood powder on her clothes for the role of the second female lead.

The first scene of the movie was the hero's men rushing into the palace, the blood flowed like a river, the palace people packed up their belongings and fled, and then a group of men broke into the palace where Mu Qingcheng was.

Even if she was going to be reduced to a prisoner, Mu Qingcheng was still neither humble nor overbearing, especially Lin Qingyan was very good when she acted in this play, bringing the audience into the scene from the beginning.

The following is a play with a large number of male and female protagonists.

The male protagonist Jun Lan played by Jiang Sizhou ascended the throne with the help of the female protagonist Qian Xue, and used thunder to kill the loyal officials left behind by the Mu family.

Although the change of dynasties is normal for the weak and the strong, but when Jun Wushang, played by the second actor Mo Tingmu, returned from the northwest triumphantly, when he saw his eldest brother enthroned as emperor and his beloved woman imprisoned, the male protagonist The character is already a bit unpleasant.

As a prince, Jun Wushang was a little unhappy because of Mu Qingcheng's quarrel with the emperor's brother, and even secretly went to the prison to release Mu Qingcheng secretly.

Immediately afterwards, the movie entered a climax. When Mu Qingcheng was placed in the Li Palace, she saw with her own eyes that her brother, sister-in-law and younger siblings were all sentenced to death.

This is also Mu Qingcheng's change, and it is also a turning point in the movie. After Mu Qingcheng watched this scene with her own eyes, she hated Jun's family very much, and even hated her former lover Jun Wushang very much.

In the film, although Mu Qingcheng is dressed as a court lady, she looks like she is wearing a neon dress and feathers, and she is still like the princess who is admired by thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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