Chapter 584 Hot Potatoes
Just when the two were about to make a mistake in the car, Lin Qingyan's cell phone rang cheerfully and crisply, and Lin Qingyan pushed the man away with her soft and boneless fingers, "the phone."

If it wasn't for this call, Gu Yichen was really afraid that he would almost make a big mistake.

Lin Qingyan picked up her mobile phone from the side, and the caller ID showed Lin Tianwan's name.

Lin Qingyan climbed off Gu Yichen and sat back in the driver's seat. At this time, the phone was automatically hung up, and Lin Tianwan called again.

Lin Qingyan's answering pad was still full of impatience, "What do you want me to do?"

"Xiaoyan, where are you?" Lin Tianwan's voice was lukewarm, indescribably alienated.

Lin Qingyan sometimes really doubts that she and Lin Tianwan must have been enemies in her previous life, so in this life they have to torture each other as father and daughter.

"If you have nothing to do, go home today." Lin Tianwan's tone was completely commanding.

Lin Qingyan snorted coldly, "Where is your home, not mine, I'm not in the mood for things right now, you and Zhou Xuan."

"Since you are willing to come back, Xiaoyan, I'll go find you," Lin Tianwan said.

"I'm not at home now." Lin Qingyan hung up the phone without responding to Lin Tianwan after she finished speaking.

Now Lin Qingyan didn't have much expectations for Lin Tianwan, so after getting discouraged, even if Lin Tianwan was going too far, she didn't seem to be very angry.

Instead, I don't care anymore.

Gu Yichen started the car and drove on the busy road.

"Gu Yichen sent me to Huaxi, I have some things I want to get." Lin Qingyan never went back since she moved to Yuyuan again, and she still has a lot of things there.

"Okay" Gu Yichen turned the car around and drove towards Huaxijian.

It's rush hour now, and the road in the imperial capital is also very congested.

Gu Yichen held the steering wheel and said to Lin Qingyan, "Xiaoyan, take out the next document and open it."

"Yeah..." Now that the car was stuck in the middle of the road, Lin Qingyan unfastened her seat belt and climbed to the back seat to find out the documents Gu Yichen said, then climbed back to the passenger seat and sat down again.

Lin Qingyan opened the file bag and brought it in front of Gu Yichen, "Here, what important documents, are you sure you want to read them in the car?"

Gu Yichen didn't reach out to pick it up, but took a serious look at the girl, "It's for you."

The girl pointed to her nose in disbelief, "Give it to me."

"En." Gu Yichen nodded firmly.

Lin Qingyan took a serious look at the contents of the folder. It was a contract, or a letter of intent for cooperation between Hailan and Elf.

Lin Qingyan carefully read the contract regulations, and Gu Yichen gave her the best discount, even the store had the best location in Hailan Plaza.

I don't know how many people want to cooperate with Gu Yichen's Hailan, but they have nowhere to go.

Gu Yichen took the initiative to deliver this contract to her.

Lin Qingyan didn't think about Hailan before. After all, where is Hailan's aggressive style?

"Gu Yichen, when are you going to prepare the Hailan contract?" Lin Qingyan held the contract in her hands like a hot potato.

It's just that she doesn't know how to mention it to Gu Yichen, as long as she mentions it, Gu Yichen will definitely open the back door for her.

She never wanted to rely on Gu Yichen, but it seemed that this time she had to.

Gu Yichen seemed to have guessed the girl's thoughts a long time ago, and gave the girl the most reassuring reason, "Didn't my mother always want to act as an agent for the elf store? This one is for my mother, since she is bored anyway."

(End of this chapter)

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