Chapter 593
It happened that Lin Qingyan had nothing to do during this time, so she just happened to come to the studio to have a look.

Even though Liang Chen had announced that the elves hadn't returned to China, there were some reporters who were like flies, secretly squatting in the pit to take pictures.

Those foreign reporters have been digging the elves for five years, but they haven't dug up any useful clues.

Even in foreign countries, it is impossible to be dug casually.

An extended nanny car parked directly in front of Yunshang's studio.

Previously, Yunshang shopping mall was still used as the main store. As for the designer and many staff members, Liang Chen arranged another place which is located in a prosperous and quiet place, which is suitable for designing as Yunshang studio.

The word Yunshang on the wall was redesigned by the elves.

As soon as the car stopped, two security guards stepped forward and opened the driver's seat and the rear seat one after another.

Liang Chen was wearing a loose sweater, and the peaked cap was pressed down to cover most of his face. After getting out of the car, Liang Chen walked to the passenger seat and stretched out his hand to the person inside, "Please get out of the car, elves."

The person inside first stretched out a white hand to put on Liang Chen's, just looking at the girl's hands as white as milk can make him dream.

Immediately afterwards, a figure stepped out of the car.

It's just that the girl's face can't be seen anyway.

Exposure to the media is only a matter of time, so Lin Qingyan asked Liang Chen to customize a mask for her.

The girl was wearing a blue floor-to-ceiling dress that covered her entire body, but she could still see her perfect figure.

There is a mermaid mask on the face, with glittering shells inlaid on the mask, and some mermaid tears, a pair of blue eyes filled with the mystery of the ocean, a pair of shell earrings on the ears, and yellow hair floating behind.

Liang Chen walked in front of Lin Qingyan and entered Yunshang's studio.

It was Lin Qingyan's first visit to Yunshang Studio.

With the continuous efforts of Liang Chen and Chang Yu, the various departments of the studio have been thoroughly improved, including the sales department, design department, and public relations department.

The staff also took a strange look at Lin Qingyan and reacted instantly. They were surprised and greeted with joy, "Director Liang."

"En." Liang Chen nodded and continued to walk forward.

Oncoming Chang Yu saw Liang Chen and Lin Qingyan who were tightly wrapped in masks and still didn't recognize him. He paused for a moment before reacting and saying hello, "Boss, Director Liang."

Lin Qingyan thought that even Chang Yu couldn't recognize her, but she didn't expect that Chang Yu was quite smart.

Liang Chen took Lin Qingyan directly to the top floor.

The employee who had just met Liang Chen and Lin Qingyan who was wearing a mask went crazy in an instant.

"Tiantian, is it our big boss elf? Is it one of the ten mysterious figures?"

"It should be an elf. It is definitely a beauty in terms of figure, and the elf's skin looks good, especially those eyes are really beautiful. It is not at all like those dark mice said. The elf is an old and ugly old woman."

"Finally meeting the rumored character, I was so excited that I didn't take a photo."

"Why do elves wear masks?"

"The elves have been mysterious for so many years, can they let us see the real face casually?"

"Didn't Director Liang say that the boss is abroad? When did he return to China?"

"The high-level affairs, that's what we can say, let's do our jobs well."

Liang Chen arranged for Lin Qingyan's office to be on the top floor, with floor-to-ceiling glass throughout and plenty of light. Standing beside the bed, she could see the bustling river bank.

The office supplies in the office are almost all monochrome.

(End of this chapter)

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