Chapter 595 One of Your Fans
Lin Qingyan turned around and took a look at the back through the car window. The car behind her was following very covertly, and she would not normally notice it.

But it only exists for ordinary people. "Liang Chen still uses the old method."

"Okay" happened to be an intersection, and Liang Chen took a turn and turned directly to another road at the last few seconds of the red street light.

The car stopped in an alley, Lin Qingyan took off her mask and clothes and threw them to Liang Chen to put them on.

Lin Qingyan got out of the car quickly, and disappeared into the alley in a casual outfit and a peaked cap.

Liang Chen drove the car away again.

This is why there are rumors that elves are neither male nor female.

Lin Qingyan came out of the alley, lowered the brim of her hat and walked forward, but unexpectedly bumped into a man running towards her.Lin Qingyan took a few steps back from the impact, and the man almost sat on the ground.

After the man stabilized his body, he cared and asked, "Little brother, are you okay?"

If it hadn't been for Lin Qingyan's practice in the past, Lin Qingyan would have fallen to the ground a long time ago due to the sudden impact of a grown man.

Lin Qingyan rubbed her painful shoulder and said, "It's okay."

Hearing a soft female voice, the man obviously had a look of disbelief, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were a girl."

"It's okay." Lin Qingyan raised the brim of her hat, only to notice that standing in front of her was a well-mannered man. The man was wearing a white shirt and jeans, clean and spotless like a frail scholar.

Others asked her if she had crashed it, and it was good if she didn't crash it.

It's just that no matter how you look at it, the person in front of you looks familiar.

"Miss Lin Qingyan" The man recognized the girl instantly after seeing the girl's face clearly, his tone was full of excitement.

It's not surprising that Lin Qingyan was recognized, anyway, her fans are gradually increasing now.

"Ms. Lin is not a noble person who forgets things too much. I have already forgotten me. I am Wang Xin's follower Chen Ming in "Crazy Way"" the man introduced himself, and he was really excited to meet Lin Qingyan again.

After being reminded like this, Lin Qingyan really remembered, and she felt familiar no matter what.

Chen Ming is a graduate of the directing department of a certain university. He came to the film crew for an internship. He was occasionally absent from the film crew at the time, so Lin Qingyan didn't have a deep impression of him.

"It's been a long time, Director Chen." Lin Qingyan greeted implicitly.

"Miss Lin is getting better and better now, I really regret that I didn't ask for an autograph from Miss Lin at that time, and now I'm one of Miss Lin's many fans." Chen Ming's sincere attitude was not flattering at all.

"Director Chen was joking."

"Miss Lin, can I buy you a cup of coffee?" For meeting Lin Qingyan, Chen Ming was a little indescribably surprised, as if he was clearly destined in heaven.

Lin Qingyan hesitated for a moment.

Of course, Chen Ming could see the girl's hesitation. Chen Ming was afraid that the girl would refuse and say, "There is a coffee shop nearby, and the environment is pretty good. It should not be followed by reporters."

"That's good." Lin Qingyan couldn't find a reason to refuse.

Lin Qingyan followed Chen Ming and walked less than 50 meters away, and she saw a cafe. The environment in the cafe was elegant, and there were hardly many people who could say it was quiet.

The two sat down in front of a floor-to-ceiling window, and the waiter brought the menu, "A glass of latte, what would Ms. Lin drink."

"Bring me a glass of pear juice, thank you."

Within a few minutes, the waiter brought up what the two ordered.

Chen Ming chattered and asked, "What new play has Ms. Lin recently taken on?"

(End of this chapter)

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