After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 610 Yuanyuan Has Nothing

Chapter 610 Yuanyuan Has Nothing
That bitch Lin Qingyan only got the securities and stocks that the old man was outside.

Compared with the old man's equity, it is nothing more than a small witch.

Now it's just the old man's real estate, and Lin Qingze suffers the most. The three properties that Lin Yuanyuan got are all in the more prosperous areas of the imperial capital, which is about 6000 to [-] million in RMB.

Wang Lan kept smiling faintly.

From this point of view, although the old man ignored them, he still cared about his granddaughter very much, and the equity should not be less.

Old Master Lin suddenly said, "Yuanyuan Lingxiao's three properties are considered your wedding presents from grandpa. Ling Xiao, you don't mind if grandpa scolds you too hard."

Lin Yuanyuan smiled and said, "How come, thank you Grandpa."

Ling Xiao echoed, "Even if Grandpa doesn't have a wedding gift, we won't mind."

Lin Qingze was originally sitting next to Lin Qingyan, and Lin Qingze didn't care much about these assets, so she couldn't help but leaned in front of Lin Qingyan and whispered, "Cousin, do you think Grandpa is confused? Such a good house was given to that illegitimate daughter."

"Grandpa is smart." Lin Qingyan continued to hold her chin after she finished speaking.

Since grandpa gave Lin Yuanyuan all three houses, he must have other plans.

"Well, let's continue." The old man nodded with a serious expression, as if the episode just now didn't matter.

Yang Lanxiao continued to say, "The distribution of 60.00% of the shares of Lin Enterprise under Mr. Lin Weibo's name is as follows: Lin Tianwan holds 30.00%, Lin Wanhui [-]%, Lin Qingze [-]%, and Lin Qingyan holds [-]% of the shares of Lin Enterprise controlling interest."

Attorney Yang's voice fell, some people were happy and some were worried.

Lin Yuanyuan looked as if she had been struck by lightning, and her eyes fell on Yang Lanxiao in disbelief.

But she is still an illegitimate daughter, and she dare not question Mr. Lin's decision here.

Wang Lan's expression was extremely ugly.

Lin Qingyan didn't show any expression, while Lin Qingze had a smile on her face. He almost thought that his grandpa was so dazed that he was waiting here to give so much dowry to an illegitimate daughter.

Lin Wanhui had an expected look on his face, as if he had already guessed the ending.

Lin Tianwan's emotions were complicated. The shares of the Lin family did not fall to the boss by a large margin, but the old man was so eccentric that he gave 30.00% of the shares to Lin Qingyan.

Lin Tianwan was the first to make a fuss, "Dad, everyone has got the shares, why doesn't Yuanyuan have any shares, and dad, why did you give Xiaoyan so many shares and even the controlling right to Xiaoyan? How can I be the chairman of the company."

Lin Wanhui was afraid that Lin Tianwan would offend the old man, so before the old man opened his mouth, he said, "Lin Yuanyuan is just the illegitimate daughter of the Lin family. Dad gave him the real estate to give them face. As for the shareholding rights, there seems to be nothing wrong with Xiaoyan. Xiaoyan Isn't Yan your biological daughter?"

Of course, Lin Qingyan is his biological daughter, but this biological daughter has only caused him trouble recently "She is a girl who doesn't know how to run a business. Dad, if you hand over the controlling stake to Lin Qingyan, the whole company will be ruined sooner or later." in her hands."

The way Lin Tianwan hopped, as if Lin Qingyan was really an incompetent and stupid king.

Lin Wanhui couldn't stand it any longer. "You just don't trust your daughter so much. I think Xiaoyan can handle Lin's business. Or are you worried that Xiaoyan will hold the controlling stake and you, the chairman, won't be able to sit down?"

(End of this chapter)

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