Chapter 613
Lin Qingyan asked with black lines all over her head, "Does the uncle know?"

Lin Qingze scratched his head, "Didn't I say it before I came? Cousin, my dad still respects your opinion. Do you want to intercede for me because I save money from my private house every month for you?"

Lin Qingyan inexplicably felt that she had been tricked.

"Why are you afraid that Uncle wants to cut first and then play, and ask me to go into the water?" Lin Qingyan asked.

Lin Qingze said, "Cousin, why did I drag you into the water? I call it self-help, okay? Please, cousin."

"You are still young. I think even if you don't want to study abroad, you can just find a good school in China. What do you want to do if you don't go to school like this? Lin's, don't even think about it. I don't want to enter Lin's now. .”

"I never thought about joining Lin's. I had a double degree before. Even if I don't go back, I can still get a double degree with your cousin's character. I want to find a job in China. Cousin, do you need a bodyguard? ? I’ve fought wars before and I think I’m still okay.”

Lin Qingze smiled honestly.

Lin Qingyan shook her head and said, "No need."

The most important thing is that there is currently no suitable job for Lin Qingze. This guy doesn't know how to design, and he still majors in finance.

However, the candidates for the manager of Hailan and Times have not yet been determined.

Aunt Lu shaves her hair and is a monk. Aunt Lu just wants to show off and count the money. As for the store manager, she doesn't want to do it. The reason is that she is afraid that she will lose money to the elves due to poor management. At that time, even if Gu Yichen is transferred to Lin Qingyan to pay off the debt, it will be too late. not enough.

So up to now, Hailan's store manager has not been confirmed yet.

Since Lin Qingze has decided on something, she can't change it. The Lin family is a mess now, so there's no need for Lin Qingze to get involved. Even if she doesn't go to school, she can't let this cousin ignore him. After all, she used to help her at school. fought.

He should also practice it.

Lin Qingyan said, "I have a friend. She seems to be short of people. Let me tell her and ask him to arrange a job for you."

"Okay, even if my cousin finds me a job, I will not hesitate to go up the knife mountain or down the frying pan." Lin Qingze said righteously.

"No need, just work honestly for me, as long as you don't cause trouble for me," Lin Qingyan said in a warning tone.

"I'm sure I won't cause trouble for you, cousin, but can you tell me where I work? It can't be a waiter or something, even if it's a waiter, as long as my cousin introduces you, I will definitely do it."

Although Lin Qingze said so, his eyes were obviously full of dislike.

"Elf" Lin Qingyan opened her thin lips and spit out two words.

It was said that Lin Qingze's eyes were shining, and he was obviously a fan of elves, "Really? Cousin is one of the top ten mysterious figures. She is a well-known designer at home and abroad. I have seen her design clothing exhibition abroad before."

Lin Qingyan narrowed her eyes and asked threateningly, "Then are you more of a pink elf, or more of your cousin?"

Lin Qingze hooked up Lin Qingyan's shoulders full of desire to survive, "Of course you are more cousin pink, we are a family."

It's so cute to see Lin Qingze's silly look, but he doesn't know that Lin Qingyan and Elf are the same person at all.

"Let's go back to eat." Lin Qingyan stood up first after she finished speaking.

As soon as they turned around, they saw Ling Xiao was already standing in front of them.

"Isn't this Ling Xiao? Why did you come here and get lost?" Lin Qingze instinctively protected Lin Qingyan behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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