Chapter 681 Break My Leg

"That's wrong." Gu Yichen's voice was as pleasant as a cello, but it was also extremely cold.

Lin Qingyan lowered her head and obediently admitted her mistake, "Baby, you shouldn't ignore your own comfort to save others, and you shouldn't let yourself get hurt to make you worry, but baby, do you know? Saving someone's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, and I don't know how to break it." And the spotlight will spill over to me."

"Baby, I really know I was wrong." Lin Qingyan endured the dull pain in her shoulder.

The tense emotions were disintegrated in an instant, and there was no way he was still thinking about being angry with the girl.

When Lin Qingyan saw that Gu Yichen didn't pay attention to her, after all, it was the acting school that soared so much that even she believed it.

Lin Qingyan hugged her shoulders, with a painful expression on her face, "Baby hurts."

"What's the matter, don't move around, I'll call the doctor now." Gu Yichen checked nervously at the first time.

Seeing that the man finally stopped being angry with her, Lin Qingyan hugged Gu Yichen's shoulders from behind, "It's okay baby, I lied to you on purpose, I have rough skin and thick flesh, and this little injury is nothing to me, so there's no need to bother the doctor."

Gu Yichen hugged the girl's arm, and slowly turned around to hold the girl in his arms, "Xiaoyan is not allowed to do such a dangerous thing in the future. If there is another time, I don't mind stopping all your jobs and locking you at home."

"I promise there will never be a next time." Lin Qingyan nodded her head.

Seeing that the girl is still obedient, Gu Yichen rubbed the fleshy girl's hair and said, "I have asked Gu Jingnian to go through the hospitalization procedures for you, and you will be hospitalized for observation for a few days."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan immediately objected, "boss, my injuries are all minor injuries. It's really not a serious problem. I really don't need to be hospitalized. It's just that the skin trauma doesn't hurt the bones, so I don't need to be observed."

Seeing that Gu Yichen was still unmoved, Lin Qingyan had no choice but to continue to use reason and emotion, "Look, baby, if you let me be hospitalized here, you have to take care of me, and it's so troublesome to run back and forth. Why don't you let me go?" Going home for a few days, Mama Song can still make good food for me, and you can still stay with me at home, and this hospital is cold and chaotic with everyone, what if I am kidnapped by improper care, and It’s not as warm as home.”

"The most important thing is, if my baby lets me go home, I will be obedient and never run outside without my baby's permission."

Seeing the girl gossip about so many reasons for not being hospitalized, I couldn't bear to say, "Yes, you must not run around."

In fact, Gu Yichen didn't really plan to have Lin Qingyan hospitalized, he just wanted to scare the girl's long memory.

"Absolutely don't run around. If I run around, you will break my legs." Lin Qingyan is the same as the clingy cat. "When will we go home baby?"

Lin Qingyan didn't have any serious problems, and Lin Yang from the crew had already asked for leave for her.

Lin Qingyan obediently followed Gu Yichen home to recuperate for a few days.

As soon as the two arrived home, Gu Jingnian followed the two as if he had counted the time.

Gu Yichen accompanied Lin Qingyan back to the room to rest.

Gu Jingnian entered the villa and went up to the second floor, panting from exhaustion.

"Why did you come here?" Lin Qingyan asked with some doubts. At that time, Erhuo accompanied his baby to the hospital, but disappeared halfway.

Gu Jingnian casually picked up a glass of water and took a few sips, "Brother Lin Xiaoyan, I'll go to the crew to check and adjust the surveillance video of the crew by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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