After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 688 As Our Love Witness

Chapter 688 As Our Love Witness
Lin Yuanyuan got out of the car, wearing a wine-red floor-length dress, adorning her delicate face, with a smile that could not be concealed from the corner of her mouth, and the woman was wearing a pair of sky-high hats.

Ling Xiao helped Lin Yuanyuan tidy up her clothes, causing fans to scream.

Lin Yuanyuan held Ling Xiao's arm and walked on the red carpet, almost feeling like she was walking out of a wedding of the century.

"Ah, this cup of dog food is dry."

"Since Lin Yuanyuan made her relationship with Ling Xiao public, basically no matter the occasion, no matter the location, she spread dog food all the time."

After the two arrived, they signed at the door.

What Lin Yuanyuan and Ling Xiao donated was a blue-and-white porcelain vase that they bought from unknown sources. The reason why they didn't put it in the auction collection was probably because they were afraid that the price would not be as high as they thought.

Because the scene hadn't started yet, after all, there were some prominent figures who came, and everyone was negotiating in twos and threes.

In the corner, Lin Qingyan was sitting quietly playing with her mobile phone.

Lin Qingyan had arrived long before Xia Meng and the others came. Lin Qingyan didn't like this kind of negotiation occasion.

What Lin Qingyan donated was a pair of pearl earrings. The coffee position is too low now. Lin Qingyan deliberately didn't want to attract the attention of the media. She found a quiet corner to sit down when she came, so no one came to bother her until now.

Hearing the commotion at the scene, Lin Qingyan couldn't help but look towards the source of the sound.

As soon as Lin Yuanyuan and Ling Xiao entered the scene, they were surrounded by the media.

"The love affair between the popular little flower Lin Yuanyuan and Mr. Ling of Ling's company is really torturing our fans. I don't know if the two of you are interested in our auction today."

Lin Yuanyuan glanced in the direction of Lin Qingyan in the corner.

As soon as Lin Yuanyuan came to the auction venue, she saw Lin Qingyan, "Of course, we are bound to win the pink crystal on the second lot."

"It is said that the pink crystal was the love object of the former princess of country X, and it was passed into Mr. Han's hands. It was donated by Mr. Han today. Presumably, Mr. Ling is bound to get this crystal. Tonight, we will prevent this wave of dog food in advance. It's coming."

Ling Xiao didn't know what he saw, he was distracted, Lin Yuanyuan pulled the corner of Ling Xiao's clothes, "Brother Ling."

Ling Xiao concealed his gaffe, "That's right, Yuanyuan and I are here for this auction tonight, the pink crystal represents a witness, I want to take a photo of this pink crystal and give it to Yuanyuan as a testimony of our love."

"Mr. Ling really loves his wife so much that we fans are envious of her. I hope Mr. Ling can get his wish tonight."

"Thank you" These media said exactly the same thing, Lin Yuanyuan didn't take it too seriously but still complacently pulled Ling Xiao to sit in the front row with her chin up.

The seats where the two of them sat were separated from the last row where Lin Qingyan was sitting.

In fact, the on-site seats are also arranged. The seats in the front are reserved for those famous people on the invitation. Of course, there are some dispensable people who have no seats, just the back row.

Like Lin Qingyan.

People like Xia Meng and Han Jiaxin were placed in the middle and back row.

But the banquet hasn't started yet, and the two are now crowded at the front, chatting with some bosses.

Because Han Jiaxin is now in charge of Xingyao Media for Gu Jingnian, some people give Han Jiaxin some good looks for Gu Jingnian's face.

"Mr. Li, we have agreed, we must think of our Mengmeng when we have good things in the future," the Han family said.

"I've seen Miss Xia's play, I must be sure." Mr. Li gave Xia Meng a meaningful glance.

(End of this chapter)

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