After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 695 Your friend has left the group chat

Chapter 695 Your friend has left the group chat

Gu Yichen posted an animated picture of killing someone by touching his head.

Lin Qingyan returned one, and fell into the man's arms.

"Dog abuse is prohibited"

Your friend Mo Tingmu has left the group chat.

"The dog food came so fiercely that I felt like vomiting."

Your friend Gu Jingnian has left the group chat.
The charity dinner officially started. Before the auctioneer came to the stage, the assistant came to the stage and said, "Welcome everyone to our charity dinner. Tonight, all caring people donated a total of 54 lots. We only trade on the spot. Those who can pay, our auction will be postponed to the next one.

All the money raised tonight will be donated to social support projects such as Hope Primary School, Orphanage, Nursing Home, etc. Welcome to give a caring person to actively contribute a piece of love, let what we do shine, and let our love last forever. "

There was a thunderous applause at the scene.

Immediately afterwards, the auctioneer walked to his place.

It is said that the on-site auctioneer was sent from above.

The waiter brought up the first lot. It was a purple wood carving and a small object donated by Mr. Ning. The original value of 50 yuan was only sold for 10 yuan more.

These small objects did not arouse everyone's interest before, and basically nothing above 200 million was photographed.

An hour later, only three of the 54 lots remained.

Many people basically came for the last three items, and everyone waited with bated breath for the auctioneer to auction the last three items.

Lin Yuanyuan is also full of expectations.

The waiter came with a brocade box, and the auctioneer stepped forward to open the brocade box in person, and skillfully introduced, "Next is our third lot today, and this lot is a brooch designed by our international designer Elf. , everyone must know that the elves are also lovers of our charity, thank the elves for their contributions."

"The shining point of this brooch contributed by the elf is inlaid with pure crystals. It can be worn by men as well, and it is also suitable for girlfriends."

There are also constant discussions below.

"The last time the elves did charity, they thought it was just to gain a good reputation."

"Why don't the elves really want to do charity?"

"I would like to know if Mr. Gu came here tonight for the elf's brooch. Of course, the things donated by my girlfriend will be taken back."

"It's possible, isn't the clothes donated by the elves last time bought by Mr. Gu?"

Amid all the discussions, the auctioneer said, "The auction price for this brooch offered by our elves is 100 million."

"200 million" No. [-] has never directly doubled the price by the man holding the placard.

The auctioneer said, "Our Mr. No. 200 sold 200 million yuan. Is there any higher price than [-] million yuan?"

Number four held up a placard saying "230 million."

Everyone basically bought everything that should be bought in front of them. The two items behind the brooch are the most popular items to be auctioned this evening. Many people are waiting for the last two items to be auctioned.

There was no movement in front of Gu Yichen, probably either the pink crystal or the ocean star.

Mr. No. 300 held up the placard "[-] million."

For this brooch, 300 million yuan is considered a super high price, and if it is raised up, it will lose money.

Mr. No. [-] who raised the placard just now hesitated for a while, and did not continue to raise the price.

"Is there a higher price than 300 million?"


After the 500 million voice fell, everyone couldn't help looking at the source of the voice, only to see a man in the middle holding a sign with a peaked cap.

(End of this chapter)

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