After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 714 Gu Yichen is also an ordinary person

Chapter 714 Gu Yichen is also an ordinary person
Gu Yichen's having a girlfriend has almost become a well-known fact in this circle.

Li Bowen hasn't reacted yet, it's like a weak mouse meeting a lion, that kind of threat from the top of the food chain, Li Bowen didn't even dare to face Gu Yichen, but shook his head instinctively in denial, "Mr. Gu didn't misunderstand, how could I insult you?" Mr. Gu, your girlfriend."

"No? I heard it with my own ears" Gu Yichen said coldly.

Li Bowen was like a mouse crossing the street in front of Gu Yichen.

After thinking about it, Li Bowen didn't even know who Gu Yichen's girlfriend was, so how could he scold him.

Just as Li Bowen was about to explain to Gu Yichen, when he looked up, he found Lin Qingyan snuggling in Gu Yichen's arms. The girl seemed to be telling a joke to Gu Yichen, with a smile on her lips.

Li Bowen had a look of disbelief, "Could it be your girlfriend, Mr. Gu?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Bowen wished he could find a mouse hole and get into it.

Lin Qingyan said, "Didn't I tell you all about it?"

"Why is it that my girlfriend is with me, it's just a dream?" Gu Yichen asked.

"No, no." Li Bowen shook his head like a rattle, Lin Qingyan kept emphasizing that she and Gu Yichen were together, and he thought Lin Qingyan was just dreaming.

But isn't Gu Yichen's girlfriend an elf?How could she get involved with Lin Qingyan.

Isn't Mr. Gu also a common man?

Li Bowen boldly asked, "Mr. Gu, your girlfriend is not an elf."

Gu Yichen's eyes fell coldly on Li Bowen's body, "Who said my girlfriend is an elf, do I admit it?"

After thinking about it, it's just the online media reports, and the majority of netizens naturally think that the elf and Gu Yichen are a couple, but Gu Yichen really hasn't admitted it.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Gu, but I don't know Taishan with my eyes," Mr. Li said.

Gu Yichen did not mean to let Li Bowen go, but asked, "Mr. Li, I heard that you posted on Weibo that my girlfriend was with you last night. Is this true?"

"Of course it's fake. I just made a small joke with Ms. Lin. I'm sorry, Ms. Lin. It's all my fault. I shouldn't just spread rumors." Li Bowen kept apologizing.

"Is it as simple as an apology? Mr. Li's netizens almost scolded me to death, and I stopped working, and put a green hat on Gu Yichen for no reason, what do you think we should settle for this?" Lin Qingyan fluttered His tone was full of oppression.

Li Bowen said, "I'll post an apology immediately, Miss Lin, Mr. Gu, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, let's hold a press conference to clarify by the way," Gu Yichen said instead of Lin Qingyan.

Gu Yichen continued to threaten, "Mr. Li, if I remember correctly, your company seems to be following up and cooperating with organizations."

Hearing that Li Bowen had already pulled out his phone from his pocket, he asked cautiously, "Mr. Gu, Ms. Lin, what do you think is the right content to post?"

If Gu Yichen intervenes, the institutional cooperation will easily be disrupted.

"How to clarify how to spread rumors at the beginning, could it be that I let you Aite me at that time?" Lin Qingyan leaned on the chair and said reluctantly.

If she doesn't clarify now, she will really be beaten and killed online. The company has received several anonymous emails addressed to her.

Li Bowen glanced at the two of them with flickering eyes, thinking that Lin Qingyan and the Gu family were sitting together last night, and the Gu family, who never meddles in their own business, actually meddled in their own business. It should have been thought of earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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