Chapter 726 Designed by an Elf
The girl didn't know what was going on, and stood in front of Lin Qingyan, wearing a simple shirt and skirt and a neat ponytail.

The girl looks a bit ordinary, and she can be regarded as someone who can't be found in the crowd.

Lin Qingyan nodded to the chair next to her, and said in fluent English coldly and bewitchingly, "Sit down."

Yu Zhizhi sat down cautiously. These employees were not sure whether the elves could speak Chinese, so they usually communicated with the elves in English, "Boss, what can you do with me?"

"You should know what I need from you," Liang Chen, who was standing aside, couldn't help interjecting.

Yu Zhizhi was obviously taken aback, and immediately returned to normal, obediently shaking her head, "I don't know."

Lin Qingyan said, "I don't know if the laws in China and abroad are the same, but there is one thing that should be the same. Stealing is against the law, and you should go to jail, right? Ms. Yu Zhizhi, I'm right."

The moment Lin Qingyan's voice fell, Yu Zhizhi's expression turned ugly.

Before Yu Zhizhi's face changed back, Lin Qingyan took a look at Liang Chen, and Liang Chen thoughtfully opened the mobile phone video and sent it to Yu Zhizhi and said, "The person in this video, Ms. Yu, is you. At that time, the elf just asked you to Send the design draft to the production department, who do you copy it to, and your bank transfer records for this month, a full 1000 million is enough for you to fight for a lifetime."

"Miss Yu, there is no such thing as a fluke in the world. Ever since the design draft was leaked, we knew there was an insider in the company, but the second time the insider stole it was a bit stupid. He actually gave away Chang Yu's design as an elf's design. Going out, I really feel sorry for the chess game that the opponent has set up."

"Miss Yu, as my assistant, what do you have to explain?" The elf's voice was pleasant and seemed to be bewitching.

Yu Zhizhi was like a frightened bird, she never thought that she would be discovered.

Sitting here now feels like sitting on pins and needles, with beads of sweat oozing from my forehead.

Yu Zhizhi kept silent, and Liang Chen said, "Miss Yu, I don't know if you really knew about elves before you joined Yunshang, even in our team, it was never luck that elves got to where they are today. It's not that no one copied them before." The outside world only knows that the work has been taken off the shelves, but do you know what the real reason is? You are in prison now, don’t think I’m scaring you.”

Hearing this, Yu Zhizhi completely slipped from the chair to the floor.

"Now what do you want to say?" The elf asked, the eyes under the mask were mysterious and strange.

Lin Qingyan's aura is too strong, Yu Zhizhi is like an ant crawling under the queen's feet, her life is suffocated, as long as the other party moves her finger casually, she will fall into eternal doom.

Yu Zhizhi said in a tearful tone, "I said, I'll say everything. Boss Liang, I really don't want to go to jail. I only made mistakes for a moment. I beg the boss to give me another chance."

Lin Qingyan didn't move at all, Liang Chen next to her was obviously startled and impatient, and Yu Zhizhi obviously couldn't wait for Elf's promise, so she hurriedly said, "Boss, Divine designer Alan contacted me twice and gave me money to say Just ask me to give her a copy of your design, and she will give me a lot of money after I do.

It's the same this time, but this time I was too impatient, so I took the design draft of the general director, and I don't know anything about other things. "

The girl was trembling all over, probably really afraid of going to jail.

(End of this chapter)

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