After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 729 1 Will Be A Classic

Chapter 729 Will Definitely Become a Classic
"This outfit is sure to become a classic."

After the mistakes made last time, Divine became the target of public criticism. Netizens are not without brains. Lin Yuanyuan worried and asked, "This dress must have been made by an elf."

"This time, Yu Zhizhi was very sure. The last time Yu Zhizhi said that the elf gave her the matter, she didn't expect it to be Chang Yu's design.

Mr. Lin, I have checked it carefully. It is undoubtedly designed by the elves. Chang Yu and that Minguo could not design such a work. "

Lin Yuanyuan's eyes are not blind, this suit is the same as Elf's previous design method, "When is Elf going to release it?"

"The news from the media said that Elf is going to hold a press conference at [-] o'clock tomorrow afternoon to release new products."

"Inform the reporter that we will release the new product Liuyun tomorrow morning." The smile on Lin Yuanyuan's face seemed to have seen tomorrow's victory.
In the morning of the next day, Lin Yuanyuan held a press conference as scheduled, and announced that Liuyun would become the treasure of the store, and the price of this set of finished clothes was 300 million.

Weibo's real-time hot searches soared to No. [-]'Divine is new again. '

"Flowing clouds lead to classics."

'The Queen's New Clothes Liuyun. '

Lin Yuanyuan was staring at the computer in the office, feeling down and waiting for the elves to fall to the altar after the new release.

Until one o'clock in the afternoon, what Lin Yuanyuan waited for was not the announcement of the new Elf product, but the Elf press conference.

Lin Qingyan wrapped herself up tightly, and mingled among the crowd of reporters wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Chang Yu attended the press conference as Yunshang's representative, and Liang Chen sat aside from the beginning to the end, with his peaked cap pressed down so that he couldn't see his face at all.

Everyone seems to be accustomed to being curious about the director, the biggest person in charge of the elves. It is estimated that everyone except the elves has never seen the director's face.

Before the elves came out, some people on the Internet even suspected that Liang Chen was an elf.

The elves did this on purpose to hide their identities.

Chang Yu said, "Thank you all friends from the media for coming. Due to some small reasons, the new product of the Elf that was originally scheduled to be released today will be delayed until noon tomorrow. We are sorry for what happened today."

"However, since all the reporters are here today, I would like to give some explanations about the plagiarism of Elf and Yunshang on the Internet in the past few days."

After Chang Yu's words fell, the authors who were a little bit lost because of the wasteful trip immediately became excited.

"It seems that there is a lot of material."

"It's been such a long time, and the elves are finally going to explain," said the elf, who was a fan of the elves.

Many reporters at the scene immediately became active.

"Director Chang, I don't know if Yunshang really plagiarized Divine."

"What evidence does Director Chang have to prove his innocence?"

During this time, neither the elves nor Yunshang came forward to explain. The Internet just aroused speculation from many netizens. The reporter could not enter Yunshang's studio, and they didn't even know who the elves were, let alone talk about blocking elves.

At this moment, all the reporters seem to be suppressed for a long time and erupting a volcano.

The reporters were chattering and couldn't understand what they were talking about.

"Today is the press conference. I will try my best to answer everyone's doubts. Please stay calm and come one by one."

Immediately after Chang Yu finished speaking, a reporter raised his hand, and Chang Yu randomly selected a female reporter.

The female reporter got up and asked, "Director Chang, please explain, Yunshang and Divine successively released whether there is plagiarism in Northern Beauty, Xingyue, Yunshang and Elf."

(End of this chapter)

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