After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 734 Lin Xiaoyan is unkind

Chapter 734 Lin Xiaoyan is unkind

Seeing his brother's icy yearning gaze, Gu Jingnian knew that Lin Xiaoyan must not have returned home these days.

Just before he entered his brother's office, he had already called Lin Qingyan. At first, he was able to get through, but no one answered. Finally, the phone was turned off and refused to answer.

Gu Jingnian seriously suspected that Lin Qingyan must have abandoned his brother to steal men outside, so he didn't answer the phone.

This Lin Xiaoyan is not benevolent, but he can't be unrighteous to his brother.

Gu Jingnian sat across from Gu Yichen, "Brother, I think, Lin Xiaoyan is too busy to go home now, you have nothing to do with overtime here, you might as well accompany Lin Xiaoyan to work overtime, and send her a gift by the way." Some food, some warmth."

"Girls always need to send warmth during this busy time."

Hearing this, Gu Yichen felt that what the incomprehensible brother said was quite right, kicked away the chair behind him, stood up, and picked up the coat hanging on the hanger.

Gu Jingnian followed immediately, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Gu Yichen looked at the time on hand and said, "It's time to get off work."

"Brother, do you want me to take you there?" The corners of Gu Jingnianle's mouth couldn't agree, he didn't believe his brother's nonsense.

Gu Yichenhu questioned, "Are you sure you need to eat dog food again."

Gu Jingnian "."

This is definitely not my real brother, he may have been picked up from a garbage dump, or given by Mommy for the phone bill back then.

Although I haven't eaten dog food recently, the dog food that was stuffed before has not been digested.

Gu Jingnian paid his respects and said, "No need, I wish you and your sister-in-law a happy life and have a precious son soon."

Gu Yichen drove to Yunshang's studio, and stopped by to pack some food on the way.

Now the entire Yunshang studio, except for the staff on duty, is basically off work, only the lights in the design department and the top floor are still on.

In the design department, Chang Yu and Minguo are rushing to get the design draft for the competition, and they haven't had a good rest for a long time, and they dare not slack off for a moment.

Gu Yichen couldn't get through to Lin Qingyan, and happened to run into Liang Chen downstairs.

Taking advantage of the dim streetlights by the side of the road, Liang Chen sized Gu Yichen up and down with hostility in his eyes, "Mr. Gu is so late, why did you come here?"

"I'm here to find the elf." Gu Yichen has seen the investigation materials about Liang Chen, even if he hasn't, he is no stranger.

"It just so happens that Xiaoyan didn't eat. Since you're here, I'll save you some time. I'll go out and buy for her. Mr. Gu, go in."

Before Gu Yichen walked into Yunshang, Liang Chen called out, "Mr. Gu, wait, you just enter the studio like this. There are still some employees in our studio who are not off work. I'm afraid it will scare them."

Liang Chen handed Gu Yichen a mask, the one he wore occasionally.

Wearing a mask, Gu Yichen successfully entered Yunshang's studio, and took the elevator directly to the top floor.

Lin Qingyan's office was diagonally opposite the elevator. Gu Yichen knocked on the door a few times and there was no response, so the man pushed the door open and walked in.

There was a semi-finished product in the room, and Lin Qingyan stared at the design drawing with a melancholy expression on her face.

Hearing the voice, Lin Qingyan raised her head and glanced at the man, but she didn't recognize him at first glance, "Liang Chen, why are you back?"

"Eat something and be busy." The man will carry a package of food and put it on the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Lin Qingyan thought she hadn't been home for several days, and she missed Gu Yichen so much that she had auditory hallucinations.

Lin Qingyan slowly raised her head and stared at the man in front of her. Although the man in front of her was wearing a mask that covered her entire face, Lin Qingyan immediately recognized him no matter from the voice, appearance, and familiar gentle eyes. .

(End of this chapter)

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