After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 741 I Dried This Cup of Dog Food

Chapter 741 I Dried This Cup of Dog Food

"Elf, we love you, you are our bright starlight, it's just ten."

"Idol easily crushes everyone, ten is already a very low-key score."

Seeing the lively atmosphere at the scene, the host couldn't help but asked along with him, "Miss Elf, your work has brought us too much shock. May I ask where your design inspiration comes from."

Lin Qingyan's design retains the elements of Ye Linlanghua's national style, and also adds her own design, which is now similar to the pearl crystal stone design.

The mask on the face of the elf makes the girl a bit more mysterious.

On the left of Lin Qingyan, there is a camera facing her.

Lin Qingyan stared at the machine with blue eyes. She knew that her baby Bao Buqi was sitting at the computer desk watching the live broadcast. It comes from the person I like, his eyes are always full of starlight, bright and dazzling."

Lin Qingyan seemed to drop a time bomb on the scene and explode instantly.

Both the media and the fans are excited. Elf, a mysterious figure who has never been well-known by the media, has made a big news today.

"Miss Elf, may I ask who is the person you like?" The host seemed to be worrying about the fans, but in fact it was also to satisfy his own curiosity.

Lin Qingyan helplessly spread her hands, "This is a secret."

The host looked regretful, but he also knew that he couldn't ask further questions. The Circus said, "It seems that the person we elves like is as mysterious as Miss Elf."

The reporters at the scene couldn't suppress their curiosity at all, and held the microphone far away, even knowing that Lin Qingyan might not be able to hear, and even knowing that the elves might not answer, they still asked, "Miss elves, who is your favorite person?" Are you Chinese?"

The elf was rarely in a good mood, nodded and said, "Yes."

"I don't know what kind of person is the one who can make the elf care about it," the reporter chased after the victory and asked.

Since elves appear in front of the public in the form of masks, even if they don't see faces, elves still exist like goddesses in everyone's mind.

"He's a perfect man." Under the mask, Lin Qingyan was filled with a happy smile.

Zhou Posong, who has always been rigorous, saw a world-class designer, and he couldn't help saying, "Miss Elf is really a double harvest in love and career."

What else do you want to ask, Lin Qingyan said, "Today is the competition site for the Golden Summit Award."

Lin Qingyan's reminder brought the scene back to the main topic, but in the hearts of fans and the media, they care more about this big news that can cause a sensation on the Internet.

Fans also took advantage of the opportunity to care about the private life of idols.

That man is worthy of their godlike goddess.

"My goddess actually already has a man she likes. Good cabbage was raped by a pig, why didn't I do it?"

"I also want to know who the elf's man is."

"The people the elves like are Chinese."

"Didn't it be rumored on the Internet that he was Mr. Gu of the Gu Group? Although the two were rumored to be a scandal, neither of them clarified the rumor after it came out. Do you think the elves are really together with Mr. Gu?"

"It's possible, after all, the elves admit that there are men."

"Suddenly lost a male god and a goddess, and I feel a little reluctant. If the two can sincerely bless together, it seems that these two god-like figures are not worthy of ordinary people."

"I've finished this cup of dog food."

(End of this chapter)

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