Chapter 775
Liang Chen added, "So just think about it."

"But there is one more thing, that father of yours is probably going to be a demon again recently." Liang Chen seemed to be describing an unimportant matter.

Lin Qingyan pretended to be strong, but every time Lin Tianwan was mentioned, she felt sad.

Lin Tianwan has no conscience towards his daughter, but as a daughter, Lin Qingyan always has a different emotion.

Lin Qingyan's thoughts were all about her little money, and she casually asked, "What kind of monster are you?"

Replacing the chief financial officer is just a warning to Lin Tianwan. If he runs the company honestly, Lin Qingyan won't bother to take care of the mess in the company, but if Lin Tianwan doesn't know what cherishing is, she doesn't mind taking Lin Tianwan aside. s position.

Liang Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "What can you do? I want to arrange Lin Yuanyuan as the deputy director of finance, and I have already started to mobilize the relationship."

Lin Qingyan was not surprised at all that the father and daughter were working together.

Lin Qingyan was still puzzled and asked, "Isn't Lin Yuanyuan filming recently?"

"It's true that she is filming, but her movie is about to be released, but because she stepped on the strict inspection line, she didn't pass the review, so she just doesn't know if she can directly send it to the film festival for review and win the award," Liang Chen said.

It was not easy for Lin Yuanyuan, she finally found a film that could win an award, but because of the recent strict investigation, it was directly cut off.

"So why don't you go to Lin's to see, you are worth 20 billion now?" Liang Chen asked.

Lin Qingyan thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go to Weifu for a private visit tomorrow."

Lin Qingyan went home directly after finishing her job as an elf.

Before entering the door, there was a smell of barbecue in the yard.

After seeing Lin Qingyan, Gu Jingnian gave the barbecue to Mo Tingmu and ran over by himself, "Lin Xiaoyan, you are finally back, let's have a barbecue tonight to celebrate your record-breaking box office."

Gu Jingnian can celebrate every big and small thing he encounters.

"It's you who want to eat barbecue." Lin Qingyan directly pierced someone's small thoughts.

"Don't be so direct, I'm so embarrassed, my brother is already roasting." Gu Jingnian ran back to continue skewering meat in high spirits.

Rhubarb sat beside him greedily.

Mo Tingmu was also helping with the work.

Lin Qingyan asked curiously, "Dahuang, why are you here?"

"Here comes the smell." Mo Tingmu was actually sleeping, and it was the smell of barbecue that drifted across the sea into her window to wake him up from his sleep, so he came here.

Gu Yichen wore an apron and grilled meat in front of the barbecue grill.

Every movement is charming and luxurious.

Lin Qingyan rested her chin and sighed, "Baby, you know everything. You are so versatile. Is there anything you can't do?"

Without even thinking about it, Gu Yichen blurted out, "I don't think I don't like you."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan held a shy face, "Did my baby tell you that you are so handsome?"

"Cough cough" Gu Jingqing, who was skewering the meat, coughed, and said helplessly to Mo Tingmu, "I don't think there is any need to eat this barbecue. I haven't eaten yet. The dog food is already stuffed."

"No, I'm still hungry."

I don't know when it started, Mo Tingmu didn't feel any ripples in his heart when he saw such a scene.

Maybe it was the reason for letting Lin Xiaoyan go completely, or maybe it was because she felt that it was completely impossible, so she cut off all thoughts.

Sometimes without thoughts, there will naturally be no fluctuations.

Gu Jingnian gave Mo Tingmu a strange look, and continued to skewer, after all, he was the one who brought it up to eat barbecue.

(End of this chapter)

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