After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 782 Hand over the elves

Chapter 782 Hand over the elves
When Lin Qingyan left the Lin family, the sky was already hazy and black.

In the car, Lin Qingyan was sending a message to Gu Yichen. Her baby sent a message this afternoon, saying that she went on a business trip to country Z because it was a temporary matter, and she would not be back until three days later.

This point is probably already on the plane.

Before boarding the plane, Lin Qingyan received a text message from her baby, "Xiaoyan, there is ready-made food in the refrigerator. You can eat it in the microwave oven when you get home. Mama Song is going to cook for you these few days. Don't go around if you have nothing to do." Run around."

Lin Qingyan had already taken off her mask, with a sweet smile on her lips.

Her baby just has extra thoughts, how could she run around.

Liang Chen glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "I've been followed."

Lin Qingyan lay on the back and glanced through the car window, "Is it the media?"

"It shouldn't be the media, they are following closely, as if they are coming for us," Liang Chen said coldly.

While talking, Liang Chen made a drift and turned the car in one direction, and drove to a remote area without monitoring.

Liang Chen's driving skills are not fake, but Lin Qingyan seems to have become accustomed to this kind of driving skills, she leaned forward and sat down immediately.

Ten minutes later, Liang Chen blocked the car on Zhaiyou Road. The suburban road here is not only not monitored, but also not very spacious. Under the dim light, Liang Chen's car was deliberately placed across the road, blocking most of the road.

Lin Qingyan sat leisurely on the front of the car, while Liang Chen leaned against the side of the car with a peaked cap and lowered his face. There was an inexplicable mysterious aura about the man.

In less than 2 minutes, the car that had just followed Lin Qingyan had already caught up.

The car stopped, and six burly men got out of the car.

The leading man was muscular, with a ferocious tattoo of an unidentifiable ferocious animal on his left arm. He was dressed in tight black clothes, and a long gold chain hung around his neck.

Lin Qingyan was worried that she might be the person sent by the psychopath.

After all, she has been tied to a psychological shadow, and the most important thing is that no one can save her this time. Her baby, Guangfei, is probably already tortured and there is nothing left.

Looking at the outfits of several people, it was obvious that she was thinking a little too much.

The man with flying muscles said, "Hand over the elf, and I will spare you two from dying."

"Brother, are you thinking too much?" Lin Qingyan said with a look of disdain.

"Shut up, man, tell me, where is the elf?" There are two people here, and the man with the peaked cap is the all-round assistant of the elf.

Lin Qingyan's face just turned dark when these fools called her man-in-law.

But when she heard that Liang Chen was being called a gourd, Lin Qingyan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Although Liang Chen is usually a little bored, no one dares to call him boring gourd.

This brother has guts.

Maybe it's because he thinks that Liang Chen is thin and tall because he has no strength to restrain a chicken.

But some people are tigers and don't show off their power. It's easy to be regarded as a sick cat.

Liang Chen said in a low voice, "I don't care about the life and death of the elves, but I do care about your life and death now."

"Don't think that if you give you some color, you can open a dyeing workshop. You'd better tell the elf's whereabouts honestly." A man with red hair took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Liang Chen.

Lin Qingyan dodged aside very consciously.

This brother is really brave.

What Lin Qingyan was even more curious about was that some young people came from where, even Liang Chen didn't investigate, and dared to kidnap the elves.

(End of this chapter)

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