After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 789 The company has paid

Chapter 789 The company has paid

Lin Qingyan glanced at Gu Jingnian, "Okay, you can tell me what you can do with me now."

"Go out and see for yourself, don't you know?" Gu Jingnian looked through the window and landed on the extended Lincoln outside.

Lin Qingyan was very familiar with the car outside. She ran towards the car in three steps and two steps. Excitedly, she opened the rear door. Sure enough, she saw a man in a suit and leather shoes that she hadn't seen for a few days sitting on the rear seat. , Xu just got off the plane and was tired from the journey.

The man looks tired.

Lin Qingyan completely ignored Qin Hao, the driving assistant in the driver's seat, and threw herself into the arms of the man.

"Baby, didn't you say you would come back tomorrow? Why did you come back today?" Lin Qingyan blinked her eyes and asked.

"I have something to do, so I came back today." Gu Yichen hugged the girl directly in his arms.

Lin Qingyan could guess that Gu Yichen probably came back after reading the news on the Internet.

What Gu Yichen said next made Lin Qingyan even more sure that what she thought was correct.

"I'll let Gu Jingnian handle the matter of Han Jiaxin and Xia Meng, so you don't have to worry too much." Gu Yichen kissed the girl's hair.

"I'm not worried, so baby, I don't want others to say that I'm just relying on you to know nothing, so why don't you leave this matter to me to deal with it first, and I'll hug your thigh when it can't be solved."

Lin Qingyan hesitated and continued, "But baby, Han Jiaxin is the top leader of the company. Do you want to stay for a while? After all, he has made profits for the company and has not done much."

Gu Yichen said, "He makes profits for the company, and the company pays him accordingly."

Lin Qingyan took the initiative to kiss the corner of the man's lips, "Baby, how could I like you so much?"

"I like you too," Gu Yichen said.

When the two were still tired in the car, Qin Hao couldn't stand the dog food and got out of the car long ago, so he bought lunch for the two of them.

So Gu Yichen had a simple lunch with Lin Qingyan in the car.

Lin Qingyan checked the time on her phone, Han Jiaxin had already come to the company.

Lin Qingyan said, "Honey, I still have something to do, I can't go home with you, you go back and have a good rest, and I'll go home to accompany you later."

"I still have something to do in the company, I'll go back to the company first, call me if you have anything to do." Gu Yichen looked at the girl reluctantly.

It seems that every moment of separation is life and death.

Just as Lin Qingyan got out of the car, she immediately turned her head and said, "Baby, I forgot to tell you something. I'll borrow a second-hand product, and I'll return it to you when I'm done using it."

Gu Yichen said very generously, "No need to pay it back."

In other words, if Lin Qingyan was willing to sell Gu Jingnian, Gu Yichen would not say a word.

At this moment, Gu Jingnian is working hard without complaint: "emmm"

In the end or not brother.

Not long after Lin Qingyan returned to the company, Han Jiaxin came to work as expected.

It's just that Lin Qingyan hasn't gone to find Han Jiaxin yet, and Assistant Han Jiaxin has already gone to find Lin Qingyan in person.

"Miss Lin, Boss Han has something to do with you." The girl didn't look strange and treated Lin Qingyan politely.

Lin Qingyan was a little full at noon today, sitting on the sofa, rubbing her belly and humming.

Lin Qingyan stood up and walked out with the assistant, "It's just right, even if Mr. Han doesn't come to me, I will go to Mr. Han."

The top floor of Xingyao Building is Gu Jingnian's office. Although Gu Jingnian doesn't come to the company often, the office is still reserved.

(End of this chapter)

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