Chapter 801 Just a Pair

What came up was a large-scale video. I didn’t know that I thought Xu Tao had a hobby of collecting tertiary films. This is a more evocative scene than tertiary films.

"Mr. Xu, you have misplaced the video. You have played all the third-level movies that have been treasured at home for a long time."

Xu Tao did not answer, nor did he interrupt the playback, but the video continued.

Xia Meng, who was hiding in the crowd in the corner, panicked after seeing this familiar scene, her fingers kept trembling, and her face was obviously sickly white.

Xia Meng muttered to herself, "How could this happen, how could this happen."

She clearly remembers that the video is an encrypted file in her computer, and it cannot be opened at all under normal circumstances.

How come here.

how so.

The angle of the video suddenly changed. The male and female protagonists in the video are not someone else but Han Jiaxin and Xingyao's Xiaohua, Xia Meng, whose resources are too good to burst but not very popular.

Seeing this, Xia Meng was so nervous that she couldn't say a word.

The reporters who had reacted hurriedly turned on the high-power cameras and frantically pressed the shutter, and some even directly turned on the recording function.

I didn't expect that Xia Meng, who has been known as a cold goddess since her debut, would be so unrestrained in private, and she is still a boss who has a wife with her.

There is no way to falsify the content of the video.

Looking at the content in the video, the two seem to have hooked up a long time ago.

After the video ended, there was also the part where Gu Jingnian secretly obtained the recording and released a pregnancy list on the big screen.

Although the checklist was somewhat vague, people with eyes could still recognize it as Xia Meng's pregnancy test report.

"Fake, these are all fake" Xia Meng murmured directly.

The scene was almost full of reporters, and Chen Biyu pulled Xia Meng away with lightning speed.

When the reporters who were very close to Xia Meng heard the voice just now, they couldn't help but glanced back. There were only two thin figures left, so they didn't pay attention.

At the scene, a reporter immediately guessed that "the woman Han Jiaxin cheated on was not Lin Qingyan from the same company, but Rainbow's heroine Xia Meng, so Xia Meng and Han Jiaxin's original partner found out that Xia Meng and Han Jiaxin were together, and Xia Meng was pregnant again. In order to protect Xia Meng, Han Jiaxin pushed this matter onto Lin Qingyan, using Lin Qingyan as a shield."

"When you say that, I think of one thing. It seems that the heroine of the rainbow used to belong to Lin Qingyan, but for some reason, Lin Qingyan was dismissed. It was replaced by Xia Meng, and Lin Qingyan went there. It was shot with affection."

"Why else, it must be someone who fell asleep."

Xu Tao said, "Seeing this, everyone must have understood what's going on. Lin Qingyan and Mr. Han didn't have much communication in the company, let alone any other transactions, so Lin Qingyan was always Innocent."

There are still many fans watching the live broadcast, and the barrage has never stopped.

"It's so disgusting, this couple of dogs, you disgusting people are fine, our innocent Lin Qingyan has provoked someone."

"Poor Xiaoyan was shot even while lying down."

"Let my family Lin Qingyan take the blame again, and my family Lin Qingyan is not the one who takes the blame."

"Such dogs and men should be soaked in pig cages in ancient times, and then executed in a hurry."

"Xia Meng's acting skills are poor, and she's such a disgusting person when she does things. Not only have you robbed Lin Qingyan of her resources, you can't think of others for good things, and you like to push bad things on others."

"A scumbag and a scumbag are just a good pair."

(End of this chapter)

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