Chapter 819
It is still such an important role, even the only senior who entered the Hollywood circle in the early years got an inconspicuous role for the first time.

Lin Qingyan hesitated again and asked, "Mr. Cody, Mr. Sennel, are you really sure to choose me?"

"I'm sure, we appreciate Ms. Lin's acting skills very much, and we didn't do it on a whim. Ms. Lin's solid acting skills in Affection are very good. Affection has just been broadcast in Hollywood and has a certain foundation. Miss Lin, don't worry, we have also considered it after many considerations." In the future, I hope Miss Lin can think about it carefully."

Cody's Chinese text is pretty good, and it doesn't take much effort to say such a long paragraph.

Lin Qingyan was afraid that the other party would regret it, "I agree."

Cody and Senier couldn't believe Lin Qingyan agreed without even thinking about it.

Lin Qingyan was afraid that the other party would regret it, after all, such a good opportunity should not be missed in vain.

Cody sent the contract that he had prepared a long time ago to Lin Qingyan, "Miss Lin, would you like to ask your agent to come and look at the contract, and if there is no problem, we will sign it."

Cody acted like he was in a rush to sign.

Lin Qingyan smiled and said, "No need, I believe Mr. Cody has already given the best benefits."

After Lin Qingyan finished speaking, she signed her name directly.

Regarding the compensation, Lin Qingyan actually didn't care much about it.

Lin Qingyan, Mr. Cody and Senier said goodbye and hugged each other.

At the same time as Lin Qingyan left the room, Zhao Xinyao just came out from the next room.

After leaving the sight of the Tiantan Yinyangyan staff, Zhao Xinyao couldn't help asking, "Xiaoyan, what did they say?"

"They chose me, and I just signed the contract." Lin Qingyan was a little excited.

"Really" Zhao Xinyao was also very excited, but when they got back, Zhao Xinyao already had a premonition.

Lin Qingyan nodded, "I didn't believe it at first, but it's true. Sister Yaoyao has a better news. Do you want to find a place to help her?"

Lin Qingyan joked.

Zhao Xinyao cooperated to support Lin Qingyan, "Let's talk."

"This time they chose not some leftover role, but the second female lead in this show. I have seen the script of this show is really good, not worse than Hollywood sci-fi blockbusters at all, except that the crew has no money."

"Second girl, why did they come to Huaguo to choose the second female lead?" Zhao Xinyao also couldn't believe her ears, after all, Hollywood movies have never cast yellow people as one of the leading actors, and some leftover roles are just to stabilize the box office.

"I guess it's the setting of this show, because the second female role is set to be a half-race, but no matter what, sister Yaoyao is an unexpected harvest," Lin Qingyan said.

"I thought it was just some leftover characters. When I go back, I will arrange the time for you. Before entering the film crew, I will shoot the advertisement of Gu's Group. The advertisement of Gu's Group was originally scheduled for the day after tomorrow. The male star who is your partner is Mo Tingmu."

It's Mo Tingmu again, did he do it on purpose?

"Sister Yaoyao, you go back to the company first, I have some other things to take care of," said Lin Qingyan in front of the nanny car.

"Okay, but how do you go there? Do you want the driver to take you there first?"

"No need, I'll send Gong Yue a message to ask her to pick me up." The moment Lin Qingyan finished speaking, Gong Yue just happened to drive over in Lin Qingyan's car.

(End of this chapter)

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