After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 828 You Are Destroying Someone's Marriage

Chapter 828 You Are Destroying Someone's Marriage

Lin Yuanyuan slammed her fist on the table.

Because it is a public dressing room, it attracts many people's attention.
Just after a shooting, Lin Qingyan took a few sips of the brown sugar water sent by Gong Yue.

Peter came up with a cup of hot water, "Qingyan should drink more hot water."

"I've already drank it, I don't want to drink anymore, I still want to thank you" Lin Qingyan politely refused.

"You can have some snacks without drinking hot water. These are our famous local spring rolls. You can try them. It's really delicious." Peter conjured up a packing box out of nowhere and sent it to Lin Qingyan's table.

Peter continued to flatter and said, "Qingyan, do you want me to correct the lines for you, or you can ask me if you don't understand anything."

Although Peter is a half-way monk, his attainment in acting can be said to be a genius.

It is simply born for the entertainment industry.

Lin Qingyan smiled awkwardly.

Lin Yuanyuan, who saw all this not far away, stared at it for a long time, and her eyes almost stared out angrily.

Cody saw Peter approaching Lin Qingyan again, and said to the assistant next to him, "Throw Peter somewhere else, don't let him embarrass me here."

Peter was taken away from Lin Qingyan's sight by the assistant and two bodyguards.

"It's finally quiet." Lin Qingyan couldn't help sighing.

Peter is also a good-tempered person. After being thrown away, he immediately ran back to argue with Cody, "Director Cody, how can you be so bad, do you know that you are ruining other people's marriages?"

"Thank you, it's just ruined, and Huaguo female artists are not suitable for you." Director Cody turned around to do other things after speaking, and followed behind him without paying attention to Peter.

"Mr. Peter" Lin Yuanyuan approached at some point, with a very charming and seductive smile on the corner of her mouth.

Seeing Peter turning to look at her, Lin Yuanyuan looked at her with a dim light in her brows and eyes, as if she had successfully hunted and prostrated herself under her pomegranate skirt, and applauded him.

"Mr. Peter, I really admire you very much. I have a question about acting and I want to ask Mr. Peter. I wonder if Mr. Peter has time to answer my questions."

Peter's eyes fell on Lin Yuanyuan strangely, but what he said was shocking, "You just act as a corpse, just go wherever you want, there is nothing to waste your time asking for advice."

Peter turned and left after speaking.

Lin Yuanyuan chased forward a few steps, "Oh."

Lin Yuanyuan fell to the ground holding her ankle.

Although Peter didn't like Lin Yuanyuan very much, he always treated women with pity and pity, so he came back to care and asked, "Miss Lin, are you okay?"

"It's nothing serious, I just sprained my ankle accidentally, can Mr. Peter give me a hand, or call my agent for me?" Lin Yuanyuan was afraid that Peter would reject the first one directly, so she found another step down for herself.

"Okay" Peter stepped forward to help Lin Yuanyuan up from the ground.

Seeing Peter coming to help her, Lin Yuanyuan couldn't hide a smile that didn't try to succeed. When Peter came to help her, Lin Yuanyuan deliberately fell into Peter's arms as if she was not standing still.

Lin Yuanyuan also pretended to be wronged and said, "Mr. Peter, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

There are no longer a small number of women that Peter comes into contact with, so there has never been a concept of gender distinction. "Miss Lin, let me help you to rest next to me."

(End of this chapter)

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