Chapter 847 I Let You Decide

"Miss Lin Qingyan and our Golden Horse Awards are really destined. She has won the Best Newcomer Award, Best Supporting Actress and Best Actress tonight. What is our Miss Lin Qingyan's acceptance speech?"

The weight of the Golden Horse Award trophy is still very large.

Being able to win a trophy as an actress can be said to be a great addition to Lin Qingyan's future acting career.

Wang Xin in the audience couldn't help but nodded, "Tonight's Golden Horse Best Actress deserves her name."

Lin Qingyan's heavy trophy was different from Best Supporting Actress.

Lin Qingyan brewed her emotions for a while, "First of all, I would like to thank all the staff of Qingshen, as well as my director and screenwriter. Without such an excellent work as Qiyue, there would be no such vivid characters as Ning Xin and Ning Yu. I am even more grateful to the jury for their affirmation, holding this trophy is a responsibility, and I will continue to perform every role seriously and present better works.”

The last Best Actress award was over, and a song of bravery sounded in the venue.

Everyone was going out, Mo Tingmu seized the opportunity, caught Chen Ming and asked, "Big director, I heard that you have recently started preparing for the filming of Zuifanghua. Have you chosen the male lead? I want to recommend myself. What do you think of me as the film king?" How about it."

"Look at the actor and actress of your crew appearing at the same time, this show is sure to be popular. Do you want to think about it carefully? I'll let you make an internal decision."

Mo Tingmu looked like he was selling at a discount.

"Okay." Chen Ming nodded.

"One word from a gentleman is hard to follow." Mo Tingmu was afraid that Chen Ming would go back on his word.

Lin Qingyan patted Mo Tingmu's shoulder helplessly and said, "Actually, director Chen Ming told me that he wanted you to play the male lead."

Hearing this, Mo Tingmu immediately exploded, "Why didn't you tell me earlier."

"It's not too late to tell you now." Lin Qingyan shrugged helplessly.

Mo Tingmu has black lines all over his head.

When Lin Qingyan and Mo Tingmu went out together, they were surrounded by reporters. They were the newly released actor and actress.

"Mr. Mo Tingmu, you are now a veritable film king. How do you feel about this?"

"Miss Lin Qingyan, you won the Newcomer Award for Best Supporting Actress, heroine, what do you want to say to the fans?"

"Thank you very much for the love from the fans," Lin Qingyan responded cooperatively.

The two were questioned by reporters for a long time, until the security guards came, and the two managed to get out of the tiger's mouth.

Lin Qingyan didn't get in the car arranged by the company, and quietly got into Gu Yichen's car.

Lin Qingyan stuffed three trophies into Gu Yichen's arms at once, "Baby, these are all for you."

"Why did you give me the trophy?" Gu Yichen asked.

"Because these trophies are half of you and half of me. If I hadn't met you, how could I have been so lucky? I wonder if you are my koi. If I leave you one day, I won't be so lucky gone."

All of Lin Qingyan's luck changed after she met Gu Yichen.

Gu Yichen put away the trophies, and these trophies also witnessed him and Xiaoyan from knowing each other to the present.

Lin Qingyan leaned against Gu Yichen's arms and swiped Weibo, the Internet was full of news about today's Golden Horse Awards.

'Shining Star Media Best Actor and Queen'

"Mo Tingmu, Lin Qingyan, Tongfu Best Supporting Actor, Best Actor and Queen."

"Golden Horse Award Winner"

"Golden Horse Best Actress"

It is estimated that Shining Star Media is busy dealing with the media now.

After all, he won the actor and actress at the same time.

Lin Qingyan's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Grandpa Xia, who took care of her.

(End of this chapter)

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