Chapter 852
Only some prominent figures can go to the meeting.

The meeting was nothing more than a summary of the first half of the year, but the new deputy general manager focused on praising Mo Tingmu and Lin Qingyan.

After all, the two talents will bring honor to the company's awards, and Lin Qingyan's performance broke the box office record, and she also played the role of the second female lead in a Hollywood blockbuster.

The new vice president once again sighed that Han Jiaxin not only has no eyes, but also no brains.

If he had been holding Lin Qingyan all the time, wouldn't Lin Qingyan be afraid of turning over now that she was developing?
The new vice president also had a general understanding. Lin Qingyan seemed to have a good relationship with the second young master.

With the second young master as the backer, relying on Lin Qingyan's own development, as long as she hugs Lin Qingyan's thigh, she is not afraid of being popular and spicy in the future.

Just after the meeting, the new general manager Jin Xu couldn't help but catch up with Lin Qingyan who was joking with Mo Tingmu, "Miss Lin, the future development of the company depends on Miss Lin and Mo Tingmu."

"Boss Jin, you really know how to joke. I just do my job well. The company's development still depends on Boss Jin." Lin Qingyan said calmly.

If it wasn't for Mo Tingmu who was by Lin Qingyan's side, how could this Jin Xu still mention him?

Mo Tingmu couldn't help but muttered, "I really know how to flatter."

These words fell into Jin Xu's ears, and the man just smiled honestly, "Miss Lin is modest, we still need to develop together."

"Miss Lin, I don't know if there are any arrangements for tonight. Let's ask the second young master to have a light meal together." Jin Xu had already investigated that Lin Qingyan didn't have a job today, so he knew that Lin Qingyan definitely had no reason to refuse.

In fact, inviting Lin Qingyan was just a matter of fact, and it was true to want to use Lin Qingyan to invite that bastard Gu Jingnian to dinner.

Lin Qingyan said very apologetically, "Boss Jin is really sorry. I really don't have time today. I'm going to visit a patient in the hospital tonight. I hope Boss Jin can forgive me. Don't send a text message, and see if Er Shao has time to have a light meal with Mr. Jin."

Lin Qingyan is not stupid, why can't she see that the new general manager is a monkey, deliberately using Gu Jingnian to test him.

"Since Ms. Lin doesn't have time, let's go to another day." Boss Jin couldn't force him to leave.

Walking to an empty corner, Mo Tingmu suddenly asked, "Is Grandpa's condition serious again?"

When Mo Tingmu was a child, he also ate the meals made by Grandpa Lin.

"Lung cancer is already in the late stage. Lin Tianwan is watching over there during the day. In order not to worry grandpa, I try to go at night as much as possible." Lin Qingyan said with a sigh.

Mo Tingmu was also a little sad, "Do you want me to accompany you to the hospital?"

"No, but I will take your photo to say hello to you and grandpa." Lin Qingyan patted Mo Tingmu's shoulder.

"Holding my photo is so intrusive, I advise you not to scare grandpa, if it doesn't work, let me accompany you to see grandpa," Mo Tingmu said.

Mo Tingmu suddenly remembered something, and took the initiative to change his words and said, "Forget it, I think I'd better accompany you to see grandpa some other day."

"Well, I'll go first." Lin Qingyan took the elevator directly to the basement.

Gu Yichen had already driven in the basement and waited.

Men's suits and ties seem to have been here for a long time.

Lin Qingyan walked forward with two strides and opened the passenger door, and threw herself into Gu Yichen's arms, "Baby, have you made a false certificate? Otherwise, I won't have the face to see Grandpa."

(End of this chapter)

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