After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 854 I'm Not Feeling Well

Chapter 854 I'm Not Feeling Well
Grandpa's words made Lin Qingyan feel sad.

It's really not very obedient.

Gu Yichen said, "Grandpa who will."

Lin Qingyan accompanied the old man until dawn before leaving with Gu Yichen.

Lin Qingyan ate a sandwich made by Gu Yichen and went upstairs to sleep in Villa No. [-] of Yuyuan. Anyway, she had no work recently.

Although many cooperation contracts, as well as major movies, online dramas, and TV dramas are sent to Lin Qingyan's desk, they are all Zhao Xinyao's work.

With that bastard Gu Jingnian pressing on it, Jin Xu must not dare to do anything to her.

And where is the lesson learned by Han Jiaxin?

Recently, Zui Fanghua was in the midst of intense preparations, and the filming was about to start, so Zhao Xinyao was not arranging other work for Lin Qingyan.

Gu Yichen went to the company on business.

I don't know if the fake marriage certificate has been destroyed by Gu Yichen, it's better to keep it as a souvenir.

Lin Qingyan slept comfortably for less than an hour when she was woken up by the annoying ringtone of her mobile phone. The girl reached out and answered the call in a daze.

"Xiaoyan, where are you now, did I interrupt your work?" Ye Li asked hesitantly.

Lin Qingyan woke up in an instant and sat up, "I don't have a job. I'm resting at home today. Cousin, is there something wrong with you?"

"Xiaoyan, if you are free today, can you accompany me to the hospital, I'm not feeling well right now."

Hearing this, Lin Qingyan became anxious immediately, "I'm free, where are you now, cousin, I'll go there now."

"I'm renting a house outside, I'll send you the address now." After Ye Li finished speaking, he sent the address location to Lin Qingyan.

After Lin Qingyan received the address, she hurriedly picked up Ye Li and left for the hospital.

On the way to the hospital, Lin Qingyan couldn't help asking, "Cousin, what's wrong with you?"

"My stomach is a little uncomfortable, and I haven't been to my aunt for more than a month." Ye Li is much more comfortable than before.

Ye Li suddenly caught a glimpse of Lin Qingyan's way to the hospital outside the window and couldn't help but said, "Xiaoyan, I think we should go to a smaller hospital."

"Smaller hospitals are unreliable." Lin Qingyan had mixed feelings that she couldn't tell. She was a little worried in her heart. Ye Li refused to say it, and Lin Qingyan didn't know how to ask what was on her lips.

The car was silent all the time, and the air pressure was so low that it seemed that the air conditioner was turned on.

Lin Qingyan slammed on the gas pedal.

Soon the car stopped at the Second People's Hospital of the Imperial Capital.

Lin Qingyan is already a celebrity now, not that she was not afraid of being recognized wherever she went before, and Ye Li is also a diplomat, often appearing on TV.

When the two entered the hospital, they were packed tightly, with peaked caps, masks, and loose sweaters.

Lin Qingyan took Ye Li directly to the obstetrics and gynecology department.

There are many pregnant women in the corridor, most of whom come to see a doctor accompanied by their husbands.

Ye Li looked at those people, and for some reason felt a little glaring for the first time.

Lin Qingyan looked like she was supporting Ye Li, but it looked more like she was being supported by Ye Li. Lin Qingyan was really nervous.

Fingers squeezed the registration slip.

I don't know when it started, maybe it was the shadow of five years ago, Lin Qingyan is very afraid of getting pregnant now, and she is also afraid of seeing people around her get pregnant.

Especially in this case.

this unhappy situation.

To be honest, Ye Li was also very nervous, but seeing Lin Qingyan being so nervous, she couldn't help but comfort her and said, "I see the doctor, not you, Xiaoyan, would you like to take a rest and wait for me?"

"I'll stay with you, I'm fine." Lin Qingyan tried her best to clear up her emotions.

(End of this chapter)

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