After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 885 Someone Is Impersonating Me

Chapter 885 Someone Is Impersonating Me

Recently, there have been frequent reports of riots in country X, and the law and order of the institutions are not very stable.

Lin Qingyan waited for Lu Jiawen to say what was going on. Before she woke up, the girl turned over and got out of bed in an instant, and turned on the computer to search for news about the riot.

Because it is international news, the news is rarely reported.

When Lu Jiawen saw the location reported in the news, he panicked, his face turned pale, his peripheral nerves still hadn't reacted, and he stammered, "The news said that the place where the riot happened was in City C."

It wasn't until he saw this news that Lu Jiawen realized that there seemed to be only blackness left in his life.

Lu Jiawen hung up Lin Qingyan's phone, and ran out without paying attention to the two elderly people who were concerned about his phone calls.

Mrs. Lu followed behind and couldn't help but muttered, "Look, he ran out again. I really don't know who this dead child is following."

"I think this child is going to find the pregnant girl. When the son grows up, he can make his own decision. Wife, so don't follow me carelessly." President Lu coaxed his wife like a child.

Hearing this news, Lin Qingyan's brain groaned.

Lin Qingyan made many phone calls to Ye Li, but the phone was still turned off.

Finally found the specific news, the place where the riots occurred in Country X was indeed in City C.

In City C, that guy is probably the only one with some power.

I'm afraid I can find out the whereabouts of my cousin by my uncle's means, but my grandfather will definitely be worried, after all, my uncle's family only has a single lineage of my cousin.

Lin Qingyan put on a piece of clothing indiscriminately, and originally wanted to find Feng Han, but halfway through, Lin Qingyan suddenly changed direction and went to Gu's Group.

The girl dressed strictly in sunglasses and a mask entered the building of Gu's Group.

As soon as Lin Qingyan entered, she was stopped by the girl at the front desk, "Miss, who are you looking for, and do you have an appointment?"

"I'm here to find Gu Yichen," Lin Qingyan said.

"You need to make an appointment to find us Mr. Gu," said the girl at the front desk.

Lin Qingyan didn't want to embarrass her sister, before she came, they just let her go, why did they stop her this time, Lin Qingyan had no choice but to call Qin Hao, "Qin Te help you come down and pick me up, I was stopped by the front desk."

"No, lady boss, aren't you in the boss's office?" Could it be that his eyes were dazzled, he clearly saw a woman wearing sunglasses and a mask enter the boss's office just now.

No, even if she is dazzled, everyone can't be dazzled with him.

Lin Qingyan asked in confusion, "When did I enter your boss's office? I just arrived downstairs at the company."

Qin Hao reconfirmed that the phone call was correct, it was the boss's wife's note, but who was the woman who entered the CEO's office and pretended to be the boss's wife.

Qin Hao didn't dare to go in and have a look, so he had to go downstairs and bring Lin Qingyan back up.

Lin Qingyan was confused when she heard it on the phone just now, and Lin Qingyan couldn't help asking, "What did you say on the phone just now, Tezhu Qin? I've already come up."

Qin Hao told Lin Qingyan all about the cause and effect.

"You mean someone pretended to be me and entered Gu Yichen's office?" Lin Qingyan pointed to her nose suspiciously.

Qin Hao nodded like pounding garlic.

If you think about it, she always wears a mask and sunglasses every time she comes here, and she never sees anyone with her real face. Even if someone wants to pretend to be her, it is simply a breeze.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help speeding up her pace.

Lin Qingyan skillfully pushed open the door of Gu Yichen's office.

(End of this chapter)

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