After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 890 I just happen to like you too

Chapter 890 I just happen to like you too

"The relationship between Miss and Master Biao is also very good, but Mr. Lu is not the only one who misunderstood the relationship between Miss and Master Biao."

Lu Jiawen didn't listen to a word that the housekeeper said later, Ye Qian was Ye Li's cousin that kept lingering in his mind.

Lu Jiawen braved the rain to leave instead of going home, but went directly to Villa No. [-] in Yuyuan.

It was raining heavily, and Lu Jiawen had been standing in front of Villa No. [-], completely drenched in the rain.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the villa, Lin Qingyan stood in front of the window and Gu Yichen put her arms around Lin Qingyan's shoulders, looking at Lu Jiawen in the yard.

"Why hasn't this Lu Jiawen left yet?" Lin Qingyan couldn't help asking while staring at the man.

Gu Yichen said, "Lu Jiawen has liked Ye Li for many years."

"Baby, are you kidding me?" Lin Qingyan didn't react, she looked suspiciously at the man in front of her.

Gu Yichen told Lin Qingyan about the general situation.

Some things are really tricked by God, maybe Lu Jiawen offended Yuelao in his previous life.

If no matter who the two of them can take the first step earlier, maybe the two of them would have been together long ago.

Maybe it was the child who secretly set a red line for his parents.

Lin Qingyan took out her phone to edit a text message and send it out.
Lu Jiawen waited at the airport all night, and finally waited for a private jet to park in the parking lot in the morning.

Lu Jiawen stood at the pick-up place not far away, looking forward to it, and finally saw a familiar figure walking towards him.

Lu Jiawen couldn't help but stepped forward to meet "Ye Li."

It was really a surprise to see Lu Jiawen and Ye Li here.

Ye Li still couldn't help but said coldly, "Why are you here?"

"Ye Li, I'm sorry." Lu Jiawen bowed deeply.

Ye Li looked a little confused, some things were voluntary when she couldn't resist, so there was nothing to be sorry for.

Lu Jiawen continued, "Ye Li, I really didn't know that Ye Qian was your cousin, so I always misunderstood you. I always misunderstood that you always liked Cousin Ye Qian. After all, Cousin Ye Qian is really good, so I admit I was jealous."

"Ye Li, I have always liked you very much. I don't know if it was the first time we met on the bus or since we met on the basketball court, but you have always been with cousin Ye Qian. Everyone thought you liked Cousin Ye Qian."

"Ye Li, I know that I am Lemon Essence. I always thought that you liked others, so I was pretending to be cold. Ye Li, I like you. One night I saw you and Nanfeng being jealous together, so I made a mistake. I don't just want to be responsible for the child in your womb, I want to be responsible for you even more."

"Can you keep this child? I have already contacted the hospital. You are not prone to pregnancy. If you abort this child, it may cause some damage to your body. I have not been ready to do one in the past few years. Father, but I want to try to be a good father."

Lu Jiawen was full of prayers, and his voice became smaller and smaller.

Hearing that Ye Li looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, let the tears come back to his eyes, a smile rose from the corner of his mouth, and he still pretended to be angry and said, "It's really a slap in the face."

Ye Li walked forward.

Ye Li could not stop smiling, and touched his belly with his fingers.

I happen to like you too.

Probably the happiest thing is that the person you like also happens to like you.

(End of this chapter)

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