Chapter 893 I have no money

"It's also possible that this time it's aimed at you." Mo Tingmu also didn't understand, Ling Xiao didn't invest in Lin Yuanyuan's play, but came to invest in Zuifanghua.

"I'm not afraid that Lin Yuanyuan will misunderstand," Mo Tingmu muttered to himself.

Sometimes these investors don't care who plays it at all, as long as they can make money, they will invest.

After all, Ling Xiao is also a businessman full of money.

Lin Qingyan's eyelids kept twitching, Lin Qingyan rummaged through boxes and cabinets and finally found a piece of paper, tore a little and stuck it on her eyelids.

"What's wrong with you?" Mo Tingmu couldn't help asking concerned when he saw the girl sticking a piece of paper on his eyelids.

"My eyelids are twitching, I always feel that there is nothing good going on," Lin Qingyan said.

The left eyelid twitched for money, and the right eyelid twitched for disaster. Now her right eyelid keeps twitching, and she always feels that nothing good is happening.

"Isn't Ling Xiao a bad thing?" Mo Tingmu looked unbelieving.

Lin Qingyan sneered, "Ling Xiao is at best a fly, with Lin Yuanyuan holding the rope, he can still fly."

Mo Tingmu nodded and said, "Yes.

"Then do you know who the investors are?" Lin Qingyanhu asked.

"Elves, me, Gu Yichen, Ling Xiao, it seems that Nanguo culture also has investment, I don't know about the others."

Those who came today and Mo Tingmu can only know this.

Today is just a launching ceremony, and there are still many actors who have not joined the group.

Lin Qingyan searched for a long time and finally found the director Chen Ming. Lin Qingyan couldn't help joking, "Director Chen is very busy now. After looking for you for so long, I finally found you."

"You still have the nerve to talk about me, tell me what you can do with me." After Chen Ming and Lin Qingyan had photographed their affectionate relationship, they were almost the same age, so the relationship was not bad.

"Small things" Lin Qingyan didn't care about trivial matters at all, she sat on the stone bench in the gazebo on the ground.

"What's a little thing, you can still have a little thing if you ask me." Chen Ming understood Lin Qingyan a little bit.

"Of course it's a trivial matter, I just want to ask who is your investor?" Lin Qingyan asked.

"Why do you ask these things?" Chen Ming was not prepared, he just asked more.

"As the lead actress of the crew, I think I need to know our investors."

Chen Mingdao, "Mr. Gu of Gu's Group invested 5000 million, Elf 5000 million, and a mysterious investor and Elf Mr. Gu also invested 5000 million equally. As for who, you know who signed the non-disclosure agreement, and you will know when the time comes." gone."

"Mr. Ling also invested 3000 million, Mo Tingmu himself invested 2000 million, and Nanguo Culture invested 1000 million, but Lin Yang was brought in."

Nanguo Culture only invested in a small share, and it is not their turn to arrange actors in it. "Lin Yang can be used because Lin Yang is suitable for the role of the third male."

But these are not what Lin Qingyan is interested in.

What interested Lin Qingyan the most was that the mysterious person who invested 5000 million yuan actually signed a non-disclosure agreement with Chen Ming. After all, it was the rich man who wanted to do such an unknown thing.

As long as it wasn't that crazy Lin Qingyan, she would be relieved.

"Lin Yang, he is quite self-motivated, and the role of the male third is also suitable for him."

Chen Ming couldn't help but joked, "Qingyan, Mo Tingmu knows how to invest, so if you want to, invest less."

"Don't want me to have no money," Lin Qingyan said and walked away.

The director is really crazy about money, she and Gu Yichen both have a combined [-] million, and they still invest.

(End of this chapter)

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