Chapter 915
Su Yi is also a master at suppressing scenes. At first, Su Yi didn't notice anything, she only thought it was because of a mistake.

But at the sixth time, Su Yi, who was familiar with memorizing the lines, immediately figured out that it was Lin Qingyan who deliberately suppressed the drama.

Such things as pressing dramas are rare in the entertainment industry.

What she didn't expect was that Lin Qingyan would do it too.

What's more, Lin Qingyan, who was deliberately suppressed by Su Yi at the beginning, was unexpectedly suppressed by Lin Qingyan.

Su Yi shot [-] times in a row but it was NG.

The staff at the scene were a little anxious.

Of course, there are some rare dramas.

"It's already been No. 12 times, surpassing Gu Lingxi's times," the staff commented.

"Didn't you work with Su Yi before? Even if the horse stumbles, it won't be filmed twelve times. I know the next lines."

"How did I know that the cooperation with Ms. Su was really smooth before?"

On the side, Mo Tingmu kowtowed melon seeds and looked very comfortable.

Su Yi followed up with No.13 and No.14 but never did.

Su Yi's mood was obviously a little irritable.

Lin Qingyan said to Chen Ming, "Director, I feel a little uncomfortable. Let's take a rest for 10 minutes and let Ms. Su take a good look at the lines."

"Okay, take a rest for 10 minutes." Since Qingshen worked with Lin Qingyan last time, Chen Ming could understand that Lin Qingyan would feel unwell for a few days.

However, Chen Ming was also surprised. A total of four scenes were arranged for this afternoon, and the first two scenes must have been too unsatisfactory.

Chen Ming wondered if he didn't watch the almanac when he was filming today.

Su Yi's assistant brought a bottle of water, "Sister Su, drink some water and take a rest first, you must be tired from acting with Gu Lingxi just now, just take a rest."

Lin Qingyan: "."

This is really a good assistant in China, and such bad excuses can be imagined.

Su Yi unscrewed the bottle cap and took a few sips, found a quiet place, threw the bottle on the ground, and the water gushed out.

Isn't this Lin Qingyan at odds with that Gu Lingxi?Since this morning, he has been helping this damn girl Gu Lingxi.

Could it be that Lin Qingyan and Gu Jingnian are really together as rumored outside?

The little assistant said in a low voice, "Sister Su, why don't I tell the director that we'll be filming tomorrow, and there are other announcements to be made this afternoon."

"No need" until tomorrow, does she still have the face to continue messing around here?

"Ah, isn't this our behind-the-scenes sister Su Yi? Miss Su Yi didn't expect your lines to be so poor. It's okay for a small person like me to have poor lines. You are behind-the-scenes. Do you want me to correct your lines for you?"

Gu Lingxi pretended to be kind and said.

Gu Lingxi came here specifically to watch Su Yi's jokes,
Su Yi has more NG times than her now, of course Gu Lingxi has that leisurely mind.

"I don't need you." Su Yi refused coldly, her voice was indescribably cold.

"Oh, since you don't need me, Sister Su, please work hard, try to pass it at No. 15, otherwise it will damage your personality." Gu Lingxi deliberately emphasized No. 15 times.

"Humph" Su Yi turned around and left.

Gu Lingxi was left laughing non-stop staring at Su Yi's trembling back.

After the 10-minute break with Lin Qingyan, No.15 shooting has started.

This time Su Yi was ready to be suppressed by Lin Qingyan, but when it came time to speak her lines, even Su Yi was a little surprised that she passed it with ease this time.

(End of this chapter)

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