After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 919 Someone Wants to Destroy Evidence

Chapter 919 Someone Wants to Destroy Evidence

Lin Qingyan is not her own daughter, and as an uncle, it's not easy to control her too leniently.

Song Yi just glanced at Gu Yichen and didn't say much.

Song Yi talked about another thing, "Xiaoyan has something to say, I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Uncle Song, what else can you not say?" Lin Qingyan looked at the man suspiciously.

Song Yi sighed and said, "Actually, I have been doubting the real cause of your mother's death. Back then, I remembered that Lin Tianwan said that your mother died suddenly from acute gastroenteritis. Your mother did not have gastroenteritis at all, let alone It's acute gastroenteritis."

"As long as acute gastroenteritis is sent to the hospital in time, there will be no death cases."

Song Yi was Ye Linlang's royal doctor back then.

Because the two played well since childhood, Ye Linlang trusted Song Yi very much. Song Yi read all the medical examination reports, including Lin Qingyan's illnesses since she was a child. Uncle Song also read them.

So Song Yi is probably the one who knows best about Ye Linlang's physical condition.

Being mentioned by Song Yi, doubts rose in Lin Qingyan's heart.

Lin Qingyan had doubts before, but there was no evidence. At that time, she was still young, and Lin Tianwan kept telling her that her mother died of pathology.

Later, Lin Qingyan learned from a foreign doctor that acute gastroenteritis would not kill people at all, unless the treatment was not timely, but that would take time.

"Uncle Song, what do you mean?" Lin Qingyan asked eagerly.

Song Yi said, "Xiaoyan, do you know that your mother has a serious seafood allergy? Eating a little seafood will cause shortness of breath, which is life-threatening."

"Of course I know." Lin Qingyan nodded, because she also has severe seafood allergies, and her grandmother also has seafood allergies.

"Seafood allergy is a family history in your family. Lin Lang inherited seafood allergy to you, so you, like your mother, have a very serious seafood allergy."

Lin Qingyan stared at Song Yi in doubt and didn't interrupt.

Song Yi regretted talking about all her doubts, "So I suspect that what caused Lin Lang's death was not acute gastroenteritis but seafood allergy."

"I was not in the hospital when your Linlang had an accident. I was sent to a rural hospital on a business trip. When I came back, Linlang had already had an accident. I wanted to check the files of Linlang's accident diagnosis, but when I was going to check the files , the archive room was suddenly stolen, and the lost files included Lin Lang's file."

"So about Lin Lang's matter, I just suspect it, and there is no actual evidence, because I haven't even seen your mother for the last time."

Lin Qingyan said in a daze, "It's not just you, Uncle Song, including me who only saw the mother covered by the white cloth, and grandpa and the others didn't see it either."

Lin Tianwan cremated Ye Linlang's body in a hurry. Thinking about it now, he seemed to be afraid of being found out.

Song Yi's words made Lin Qingyan completely suspicious. How could the file room be stolen for no reason, and the file room only had some patient information, not even some valuables. I really don't know what the thief stole from the file room. easy to get.

Rather than stealing the archives, it is better to steal the safe. The things in the safe are much more valuable than the archives.

Since there is nothing to steal in the archives room, they deliberately stole the archives.

So there must be something wrong with that file, and some people want to destroy the evidence in a hurry.

It must be Wang Lan.

(End of this chapter)

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