Chapter 922
Ling Shiwei returned to the front from the back, and before he sat down, many partners who had worked with him kept saying hello.

"Congratulations, Mr. Ling. I heard that Mr. Ling is going to have a grandson soon. Mr. Ling is really lucky."

"Congratulations, Mr. Ling."

"Same joy, same joy, Mr. Sun's daughter is also engaged."

"How can you compare with Boss Ling? My son is so sensible and now he is going to have a grandson. Boss Ling's current life makes us old guys envious."

After Ling Shiwei greeted him, he stretched his neck and glanced in Ling Yuhao's direction, making sure that his son would not cause trouble.

Of course Ling Yuhao wouldn't make trouble in such a lively scene, because he was still waiting for a good show.

The guests were seated, and the music was played in the banquet hall.

The reporter turned on the video recording function. After all, this is the wedding of the century that has finally appeared in the entertainment industry for such a long time.

Tomorrow's report will also rely on the wedding of the century to attract attention.

The scene lights dimmed.

Lin Yuanyuan held Lin Tianwan's arm and walked step by step on the red carpet towards Ling Xiao who was standing at the finish line.

She didn't know how long she had been looking forward to this day, and it finally arrived.

The long red carpet has finally come to an end.

Lin Tianwan handed Lin Yuanyuan's hand to Ling Xiao's.

At the same time, outside the banquet hall, several men in uniforms rushed over.

The doorman in charge of the door was also a little confused.

The doorman still said very politely, "Excuse me, who are you looking for, we are the wedding venue."

One of the men in uniform said politely, "The man we're looking for is right here at the wedding."

It's not easy for the doorman to continue to say anything, he can't delay the execution of official duties, and it would be bad if he sent himself to prison.

The team leader said, "You two are watching here, you guys follow me in."

Several people entered the wedding scene together. At the wedding scene, Lin Tianwan had just handed Lin Yuanyuan's hand to Ling Xiao, when several men in uniforms suddenly broke in and showed their ID cards, "Sorry for the delay, we are on official business."

Everyone at the scene looked confused.

Lin Yuanyuan looked at the few people who suddenly appeared and looked at Ling Xiao at a loss.

Ling Xiao also looked confused.

There were also a lot of media at the scene. For these media, they just watched the excitement and were not afraid of big things. They quickly turned on their high-powered cameras to shoot and record.

"What's the situation, why is Uncle Yaoyaoling here?"

"Could it be that some terrorists took advantage of the chaos and broke into the wedding scene? Wouldn't we be really in danger then?"

"You have such a big brain, you can almost think of it as a book. The Duke Hotel checks everyone so strictly that you can't even bring in controlled knives, let alone terrorists."

"We'll know what Uncle Yaoyaoling is here for later."

The wedding has been interrupted.

Ling Shiwei and Xia Yehua stepped forward to maintain order, "Comrade, this is the wedding venue, I don't know what's the matter with you."

"Executing official duties," the subdued man said righteously.

Ling Shiwei: "Comrade, I'm afraid we don't have the person you are looking for here."

"The person we're looking for is at the wedding," said the man in uniform.

The moment the subdued man's voice fell, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ling Shiwei also looked confused, but he still treated the staff very politely and said, "I don't know who comrades are looking for."

The uniformed guests looked around and did not answer Ling Shiwei's words, but went directly to the woman standing next to Lin Tianwan.

"You are Ms. Wang Lan."

(End of this chapter)

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