After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 925 Did You Steal My Nails?

Chapter 925 Did You Steal My Nails?
At the same time, Lin Qingyan slept all afternoon, and when she woke up at night, she touched the phone on the bedside table, which was full of unread messages.

Lin Qingyan leaned against the bed and clicked on Weibo on her mobile phone.

Lin Yuanyuan's wedding of the century is almost swamping the hot search news on Weibo.

'Lin Yuanyuan's wedding scene of the century. '

"Ling's Group has replaced the post of chairman."

'Lin Yuanyuan's mother was taken away from the wedding scene for tax evasion. '

Lin Qingyan was really surprised that Wang Lan was arrested.

When Lin Qingyan was still confused about why Wang Lan was arrested, she suddenly remembered the picture that Liang Chen sent her this afternoon, which seemed to be Wang Lan's tax form.

So this is the surprise Liang Chen gave himself.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help but browse through the fans' comments below.

"What kind of shit luck is Lin Yuanyuan, she wanted to marry into a wealthy family, but her father-in-law was deposed as the chairman of the board."

"The most important thing is that my mother was arrested."

"I hate this kind of thing the most. Whose money is this stealing?"

"What kind of wedding of the century? Lin Yuanyuan is awesome because one wedding involves such two major events."

"It's the first time I saw my mother sent in for a wedding, and my father-in-law was also involved."

"It can't be a broom star."

"Call Mr. Ling to be careful, sleep next to you at night, and be careful not to pass on bad luck to you."

"Why do you say Yuanyuan, maybe Ling Xiao has bad luck, and our mother Yuanyuan is also in bad luck."

"Is this a bad thing? She is simply a fan of Lin Yuanyuan. This kind of thing that corrupts social morality deserves to be arrested. Even if it can be hidden for a while, it is impossible to hide it for a lifetime."

"I'm afraid Ling Shiwei is not a good thing. If he is really a good person, how can he be dismissed by others? Even if the other party has 40.00% of the shares, the removal of the chairman's post requires 60.00% of the votes. I am afraid that the ticket is someone who is dissatisfied with Ling Shiwei, and I can only say that he deserves it."

Wang Lan's tax evasion is a matter of conclusive evidence, even if it is washed, it will not be cleared.

Now Lin Yuanyuan's wedding of the century has become a naked joke in the entertainment industry.

Lin Qingyan didn't feel much after seeing these news. Lin Qingyan sent a message to Liang Chen, informing her that Lin Group will hold its first general meeting of shareholders tomorrow.

The moment Lin Qingyan was about to put down her phone, she realized that her nails had been cut.

Before, both hands had beautiful long nails, but now they are bald and there are no extra fingers left.

Outside the room, Gu Yichen knocked on the door, and came in with a bowl of porridge and Lin Qingyan's favorite salt and pepper pork ribs.

Lin Qingyan stretched out her pale fingers and couldn't help asking, "Honey, I'll ask you a question, have you cut my nails?"

What the hell, I woke up with my fingernails cut off after I fell asleep.

Gu Yichen put the food aside, shook his head innocently and said, "It's not me."

Lin Qingyan obviously didn't believe it, "Are you sure it's really not you."

"Yeah." Gu Yichen nodded with a muffled snort, and brought the porridge to Lin Qingyan's mouth, "Eat something first."

Although Lin Qingyan was also very suspicious, she didn't ask, and obediently swallowed her food.

Gu Yichen was silent and didn't say a word, his arms naturally delivered the food to the girl's mouth one after another, without the slightest guilty conscience about the girl's scrutinizing eyes.

After Lin Qingyan finished her meal, she continued to browse Weibo for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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