After the scandal, please get the certificate

Chapter 928 Husband and wife are birds of the same forest

Chapter 928 Husband and wife are birds of the same forest

Hearing this, Lin Tianwan felt a chill all over. Facing the international designer in front of him, for some reason, Lin Tianwan felt a sense of familiarity.

The eyes of the elf under the mask seem to be full of magic, which makes people unable to help but be afraid.

Lin Tianwan trembled all over.

Lin Qingyan took a step back and asked, "Mr. Lin, I'll give you three days to think about it. If Mr. Lin thinks it through, you can contact me."

If Lin Tianwan agreed directly on the spot, Lin Qingyan might really admire Lin Tianwan very much.

Looking at Lin Tianwan's face, one can see how Lin Tianwan could send himself in for others.

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

There is really nothing wrong with this sentence.

Lin Tianwan didn't answer right away, but pretended to be nonchalant and sat down for a meeting.

Lin Qingyan only held a quarterly meeting, and left immediately after the meeting, because the crew still needed to shoot.

The matter of Wang Lan is still fermenting on the Internet.

At the same time, some media revealed that Lin Tianwan fainted in Wang Lan's prison, and it was revealed that Lin Tianwan was due to hypoglycemia and hypotension.

Still in hospital for treatment now.

For Lin Tianwan's behavior of running around for his wife, many netizens on the Internet expressed sympathy and praise for Lin Tianwan's behavior.

In the crew, Gong Yue sent the mobile phone to Lin Qingyan, "Sister Yanyan, this is the latest news on the Internet."

Lin Qingyan took the phone and took a look. She didn't know which media had the same words as Lin Tianwan's tailor-made words, and praised Lin Tianwan's behavior of exhausting herself to the hospital just to see Wang Lan. Underground none.

Lin Qingyan glanced at it with disdain.

It's not that she doesn't know what little trick Lin Tianwan wants to play.

He is not willing to use himself to save Wang Lan now, of course he wants to use another method to directly clear himself up.
In the corner at ten o'clock in the bar, only Feng Han was sitting on the large sofa, surrounded by bodyguards, no one dared to approach this side.

Ling Yuhao entered the bar and came directly over, and only allowed Ling Yuhao to sit beside Feng Han after the bodyguard searched him.

"Mr. Feng" Ling Yuhao greeted politely.

"This is the [-]% of the shares promised to you. I didn't expect you to really let it go." Feng Han said expressionlessly, leaning gracefully on the sofa with a glass of red wine in his hand, admiring the commotion in the distance.

Ling Yuhao accepted the [-]% shares without any humility.

Ling Yuhao sneered and said, "There's nothing to be reluctant about. After all, that old guy really didn't intend to give me the shares. He only thought about the illegitimate child at home."

"That's right, I appreciate people like you who think about themselves," Feng Han said, stood up and left.

He doesn't care about Ling Yuhao, he only cares about the result.

At the same time, Ling Shiwei from the Ling family has been discharged from the hospital.

Because this kind of disease is raised at home and raised in the hospital are the same.

So Xia Yehua took him home and raised him first.

When Lin Yuanyuan came back from Lin's house, Ling Shiwei and Xia Yehua were watching TV in the living room.

Lin Yuanyuan greeted politely, "Mom and Dad, I'm back."

Xia Yehua looked at the TV and snorted coldly and said, "I still know how to come back, my own mother did such a shameful thing and lost all of our family."

Lin Yuanyuan remained silent.

Their house is not clean, and Ling's house may not be clean either, it's just that they haven't been found out by the media.

Xia Yehua knew that Lin Yuanyuan was justified and couldn't say anything else, so she continued, "Xiao Er is so busy, I can't help at all."

(End of this chapter)

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