Chapter 932

The angry girl actually ignored her own situation and went to touch the seafood that she couldn't touch.

Lin Qingyan saw that Gu Yichen was obviously a little angry, she stuck to the man and said cautiously, "Baby, I'm fine, I've already taken the medicine, I'll be fine in a while."

"Should I go to the hospital and get an injection?" Gu Yichen really didn't know what to do with the girl, and he didn't even want to teach her a lesson.

It is estimated that in the future, it can only be worn on the waistband of the trousers.

Gu Yichen deliberately frightened the girl.

Now Lin Qingyan is most afraid of going to the hospital.

Lin Qingyan shook her head like a rattle and said, "No need, I think I'm fine, I can take a pill later."

"Don't touch seafood anymore," Gu Yichen taught him a lesson.

"I see, baby, let's go eat." Lin Qingyan dragged Gu Yichen to the restaurant. Lin Qingyan originally said to help reheat the food.

Gu Yichen refused to give way, Gu Yichen reheated the food himself and brought it to the table.

Seeing that the dinner tonight was all seafood, Gu Yichen couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to eat?"

"I'm free, and I've already eaten from my grandfather's side, and I'm trying to lose weight recently. If I don't lose weight, I won't be able to look on camera."

Lin Qingyan held her head and stared at the man seriously as he took a mouthful of fish and put it in his mouth.

Before the man could swallow the food, Lin Qingyan held her head and blinked her starry eyes and stared at the man seriously, "How about it, it's delicious."

"It's not tasty," Gu Yichen said coldly.

Gu Yichen's bad taste is not really bad, but that he hopes that the girl will stop touching seafood in the future.

Lin Qingyan was full of suspicion, "How could it not be delicious? Song Mama instructed me to make it remotely."

After Lin Qingyan picked up the chopsticks tentatively, and was about to take a bite to taste for herself, Gu Yichen knew what the girl wanted to do next the moment she saw the girl pick up the chopsticks.

Gu Yichen said coldly with a dark face, "What's the matter, I'm going to try it myself."

Lin Qingyan hurriedly put down the chopsticks, and said with an innocent face, "How is it possible, I just think how could it not be delicious. Although my cooking skills are not perfect, it is impossible not to be delicious."

"Do you want me to let rhubarb taste it for me?" Lin Qingyan asked.

"No, it's not bad, it's just normal. If you touch seafood in the future, you won't be allowed to enter the kitchen, you know?"

"Oh." Lin Qingyan nodded obediently.

After dinner, Lin Qingyan received a call from Xu Tao from the public relations department.

"A video about you appeared on the boss's website." Xu Tao didn't say what the video was.

Even if Xu Tao didn't say anything, Lin Qingyan could somewhat guess what it was.

"I see, don't respond to this matter yet," Lin Qingyan said and hung up the phone.

Lin Qingyan opened Weibo, and the trending news on Weibo was all about this matter.

"Lin Yuanyuan begged Lin Qingyan to go home."

"Lin Qingyan is the illegitimate daughter of the Lin family."

"Lin Qingyan is not filial, and she is extremely cruel to pregnant women."

One look at the title of the party and you know it is criticizing yourself.

Lin Yuanyuan even released the video of her kneeling in front of her praying in the parking lot at noon today.

Whether it's true or not, some people now like to look at some superficial things and start complaining, especially things related to morality.

As a pregnant woman, Lin Yuanyuan was already on everyone's protection level.

Lin Qingyan bullied a pregnant woman. As an illegitimate daughter, she was disloyal and unfilial to her parents, so she was easily criticized by the society.

(End of this chapter)

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