Chapter 934

It is even more impossible for Lin Tianwan to help Lin Qingyan make a statement, saying that he is the illegitimate daughter.

The most important point is that Ye Linlang robbed Lin Tianwan back then.

But as Lin Qingyan's dear fans, although everyone didn't say anything, most of them still believed in Lin Qingyan.

Some fans even went to Lin Qingyan's Weibo to leave messages.

"Support Yanyan, love Yanyan without regret."

"Ai Yanyan believes in everything about Yanyan, Qingyan should not be affected by these news, love you, love you, and support the new drama."

"Wait for Yanyan's official announcement."

"Although I don't know whether the online video is real or fake, I believe in my idol."

Lin Qingyan scrolled through the messages on her Weibo, feeling indescribably touched and warm in her heart.

I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and there are fans who are willing to believe in themselves.

Gu Yichen naturally also saw the news on the Internet, and was concerned, "Should Xu Tao do the public relations first."

"No need, it's just that Drunken Fanghua's drama has been affected." The moment Lin Qingyan's voice fell, Chen Ming had already called.

"Qingyan, why don't you rest at home for a few days now, I'll adjust your plot to the next, and there are many reporters outside the production crew, I'm afraid it's not safe for you to come." Chen Ming didn't ask at all whether the things on the Internet were true or not , but chose to trust Lin Qingyan unconditionally.

By the way, give Lin Qingyan a holiday.

"Even if you don't call, I'll call and ask you for leave, Chen Ming, thank you for trusting me." Maybe it's because we've been together for a long time, and we're willing to trust unconditionally no matter what happens.

What's more, Chen Ming still believes in the character of his own actors.

Just as Lin Qingyan hung up the phone, Mo Tingmu sent a text message of condolences, "Lin Xiaoxiao, why are you being bullied by that illegitimate fan? You tortured that damn girl to death."

Seeing this text message sent, I am really Mo Tingmu.

Lin Qingyan's mouth was full of smiles.

It is said that people's hearts are judged by lows, and there is nothing wrong with this saying.

Lin Qingyan didn't pay much attention to things on the Internet.

As for Lin Yuanyuan's little trick, Lin Qingyan didn't see it in her heart.

Lin Qingyan and Gu Yichen admired the stars and the moon at night.
Things on the Internet are still fermenting, but the parties concerned don't care at all, even Xingyao didn't clarify or even hold a press conference.

as usual.

On the other hand, Lin Qingyan never went to the production team of Drunken Youth.

Some netizens immediately speculated whether Lin Qingyan was embarrassed to resign on her own initiative.

Or the crew has changed the female one for the sake of ratings.

If you don't change, everyone may watch this drama for the sake of it, but you will always have lumps in your heart, and you can't watch it anymore.

At the same time, what they didn't know was that in Villa No. [-] of Yuyuan, the person involved, Lin Qingyan, was sitting on a swing in the small garden.

The girl was sitting on a swing, surrounded by lawns. The girl was wearing a white dress, giving her a sense of elegance.

Another staff planted a ten-year-old peach tree not far from the swing.

This is the peach tree planted by my mother. Why let the predecessors plant the tree and the descendants enjoy the shade? There is no such a good thing, so Gu Yichen directly dug the tree from the Lin family without spending a penny. The hydrangeas I planted were brought along.

Gu Yichen brought out a bowl of millet porridge from the room and brought it to the girl, "Eat something, this won't affect your weight loss."

Lin Qingyan didn't reach out to pick it up, but opened her small mouth, "Hey, baby."

(End of this chapter)

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