Chapter 936

These things can be said to be well-documented, and there is no chance for Lin Yuanyuan to refute.

Even Lin Qingyan couldn't get the marriage certificate out.

Gu Yichen took it out, and Lin Qingyan couldn't say it loudly in front of the two of them, so she could only lean into Gu Yichen's ear and say, "Baby, are you addicted to false certificates?"

"It's not fake." Gu Yichen couldn't laugh or cry at the girl's words, and pinched the center of his eyebrows with his fingers.

"Where did you get it" is not false evidence.

Lin Qingyan took two marriage certificates and looked at them again and again. These two marriage certificates were brand new.

"Reissued" Gu Yichen only said a few words briefly, not saying a word.

Lin Qingyan's head was full of black lines.

How could she have forgotten this, the Civil Affairs Bureau has registration records, even if the reporter doesn't believe it, there is nothing wrong with checking it.

Seeing these evidences, Xu Tao was overjoyed, "It's easy for the boss to have these things. I'll go back to the company now and let the public relations department prepare the copy."

Now those netizens who don't know why on the Internet have scolded the proprietress for so long, and it's time to clarify.

Wait to send Xu Tao away.

Gu Jingnian, who had been silent all this time, said, "Sister-in-law, I have already found out what you asked me to do nine years ago."

Gu Jingnian glanced at Lin Qingyan worriedly, after all, it was the truth that had been buried in dust for nine years.

It's not like everyone had doubts back then, but Ye Linlang's body was cremated long ago, the file room was stolen, and the doctor suddenly disappeared because of a misdiagnosis, even if there was no evidence.

Although Lin Qingyan had been prepared for a long time, when Gu Jingnian said that the truth of the year had been found out, her heart couldn't help but ache.

Gu Jingnian continued, "I also found a witness back then, but I managed to find that unscrupulous doctor from the slums."

Gu Jingnian clapped his hands as he spoke.

Two black-clothed bodyguards of Jin Yiwei pushed a man in.

The man was wearing an ordinary plaid shirt, his hair had turned gray, and he looked old as if he had lived in a slum for many years.

If it weren't for the two bodyguards supporting the man, he would have been a little unsteady.

But looking at the man's thin body, even if he is weak, he can't be unstoppable.

After so many years, the man didn't expect that something would come out. God knows what he went through during the twelve hours of being caught. The man couldn't stop trembling when he saw Gu Jingnian.

Gu Jingnian shrugged his shoulders, and said as innocently as possible, "This man probably knew that he had committed a capital crime, so his mouth was very hard. I just asked someone to beat him up. I didn't give him tiger stool chili water. Very merciful."


She is kind enough, not much different from Nanny Rong.

Gu Jingnian said, "This unscrupulous doctor deserves what he deserves. He is the doctor who treated my aunt back then. Later, he was sued and revoked the medical administration and was fired from the hospital because he also treated the wrong patients. The victim was killed, but what happened to my aunt was not a medical accident, but man-made."

"I've already found out that the unscrupulous doctor that Wang Lan bought back then deliberately said that his aunt died of acute gastroenteritis. Later, the unscrupulous doctor fell into this field, but he even blackmailed Wang Lan several times because of his aunt. Think of Wang Lan as an automatic teller machine."

"In order to keep his mouth shut, Wang Lan remitted him 20 to [-] yuan, and the bank has remittance records."

(End of this chapter)

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