Chapter 959 5000 Leave Gu Yichen

The elf is worthy of being named one of the top ten mysterious characters.

She also wondered if anyone had ever seen an elf.

Su Yijin originally wanted to attack Gu Yichen, but Gu Yichen's side was no different from a solid wall.

Su Yijin looked around at Lin Qingyan, she seemed to have nothing but a good figure, "Yichen, she's just a little star and doesn't deserve you at all."

Lin Qingyan: "."

Su Yijin is not from the Gu family either, why should she say that she is not worthy of Gu Yichen.

Lin Qingyan looked at her body and looked at Su Yijin. She was still quite a lady. There was no flesh where there should be flesh, and there was no flesh where there should be no flesh. Su Yijin's figure was considered hot.

In terms of appearance, she doesn't seem to be bad at all.

Without waiting for the girl to refute, Gu Yichen said in a cold voice, "It's not up to you to make decisions about me, and if I'm not worthy of me, it's not because of you."

After speaking, Gu Yichen took Lin Qingyan's hand and sat down.

"Yichen..." Su Yijin was thinking about what to say, but she could only see Gu Yichen's back.

After the wedding, everything was kept simple so the bridal chamber was also cancelled.

So many guests left after attending the wedding.

Lin Qingyan hugged the man's arm and said, "Honey, wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom and be right back."

"Okay" Lin Qingyan stuffed her bag and mobile phone to Gu Yichen.

Gu Yichen asked the doorman to drive the parked car over, and waited for Lin Qingyan in front of the villa.

As soon as Lin Qingyan came out of the partition after going to the bathroom, she saw Su Yijin was also in the bathroom.

Such a large bathroom was not crowded when she came, so there was only one possibility left, and that was to wait for her here.

The bathroom door was completely closed, Lin Qingyan walked unhurriedly to the sink to wash her hands.

Since Su Yijin kept silent about it, of course Lin Qingyan would not make things difficult for herself.

The girl is just about to leave.

Su Yijin stepped forward domineeringly blocking all of Lin Qingyan's way, as if looking down on an animal weaker than herself, "How much?"

"How much?" Lin Qingyan was confused by Su Yijin's words.

"How much do you need to leave Gu Yichen?" Su Yijin asked again.

"How much is Gu Yichen worth in your heart?" Lin Qingyan's eyes were filled with coldness, and even the voice of asking this question carried a chill from five thousand miles deep in the sea.

This woman dared to use money to insult her baby.

"I'll give you 5000 million to leave Gu Yichen." Su Yijin didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Qingyan, and directly offered the most money she could accept.

Lin Qingyan couldn't help laughing out loud, "I didn't expect Gu Yichen to have only 5000 million in your heart."

Lin Qingyan clapped her hands, "Miss Su, are you out of your mind? As long as I stay with Gu Yichen, I have money that I can't spend, let alone 5000 million or even a billion. After all, Gu Yichen's is mine. Yes, mine is still mine, the most important thing is Miss Su, I am a first-line actor now, and I don't need your little money."

This Su Yijin was afraid of being a dramatist in the past.

"Don't push yourself too far." Su Yijin's complexion was unpredictable and beautiful.

"Well, I also think I'm making progress. After all, Gu Yichen really likes me, and it's your ability to make Gu Yichen like you."

After Lin Qingyan finished speaking, she opened the door, before going out, she turned around and said, "But what Gu Yichen hates the most now is people who pretend to be passionate."

(End of this chapter)

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