Chapter 989
Lin Qingyan pressed the key to unlock it, and the lights of a car not far away flickered a few times.

Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi walked towards the car.

Before Lin Qingyan opened the car door, four or five foreigners with blue eyes and yellow hair poured out of the quiet parking lot.

Several foreign men looked very strong, with strong muscles, and were uniformly dressed in black.

Several people held Browning in their hands and surrounded Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi.

Lin Qingyan recognized at a glance that the hot weapons in the hands of several people came from the small weapons of country M. The range of this kind of hot weapons is not very far, but the speed of ejection is very fast.

If you accidentally pull the trigger, you may play directly.

Two of the men pointed their weapons at the heads of Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi.

Gu Lingxi has never experienced such a thing before, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, "Brother, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges in the present, can you take this cold thing away, or let me go, I can let it go." My cousin gave you a lot of money, but my cousin is Gu Yichen."

"Please let me go, or I'll yell." Gu Lingxi cried heavily.

The yellow-haired curly-haired man with Browning on Gu Lingxi's head stretched out his hand and patted Gu Lingxi's face intimidatingly, "If you say one more word, I'll blow your head off. You know that blood and brain are mixed together. What's it like being together?"

Gu Lingxi was frightened into silence for an instant, covering her mouth with her fingers, for fear of making a sound.

"Who is the person we are looking for?" one of them asked uncertainly after looking at Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi each.

"It's better to kill by mistake than to let them go. Take both of them away." The blue-eyed M country man waved his hand, and both Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi were taken into the car next to him.

The car roared away.

Lin Qingyan and Gu Lingxi were surrounded by people, so there was no chance of escape.

These few people didn't even know about Gu Yichen, they didn't say who they were kidnapping, and they didn't know who they were targeting.

Lin Qingyan's eyes fell on the man sitting next to her who had a very unique snake-shaped tattoo on his arm. She seemed to have glimpsed someone else with the same tattoo just now.

This tattoo Lin Qingyan seemed familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere.

But I can't say where I saw her.

Looking at the vivid snake-shaped pattern, Lin Qingyan finally remembered that it seemed to be an organization in country M. Back then, that organization was annexed by Feng Han because of internal fighting, but some people ran away.

As for where he went, the wind and cold didn't care.

If it is true, it seems that these people could not stay in country M and came to Hua country directly.

Even if Gu Lingxi was kidnapped, she didn't stop for a moment.

"Can you let me go, there is something we can discuss, don't you all ask for money when you are a kidnapper? Let me tell you that I have money, or you can take her away and let me go." The whole car It was all the voices of Gu Lingxi crying like ghosts and howling like wolves.

Lin Qingyan: "."

Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, let alone an insignificant person.

"If you're talking nonsense, I'll let you lay dead all over the place right now." The man's Chinese was very good, and it looked like he had been in China for a long time.

Being threatened by the man, Gu Lingxi stopped immediately, and couldn't help muttering, "What's so fierce, I don't know what pity is."

The mobile phone of the purebred M countryman who was called the boss in the passenger seat rang.

(End of this chapter)

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