blue fairy tale book

Chapter 14 Rumpelstilt

Chapter 14 Rumpelstilt

A long time ago a poor miller had a very beautiful daughter.It happened that when he met the king one day, in order to make himself different, he told the king that he had a daughter who could spin straw into gold thread. "Then she is a talent worth seeing," the king said to him. "If your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to the palace tomorrow, and I will test her." One day the girl was taken to a house full of straw, and she was given a spinning wheel and a spindle, and the king said to her, "Now you only have until tomorrow morning and one night. If you can't spin all the straw into golden threads , and you will be executed." Then the king locked her in the room alone.

The poor miller's daughter sat on the ground, not knowing what to do.How did she know how to spin straw into golden thread?Finally wept sadly.

Suddenly the door opened, and a little man came in, and said, "Good evening, Miss Mills. Why are you weeping so bitterly?"

"Ah!" answered the girl, "I must spin all these straws into golden threads, and I can't think of an idea."

"How will you repay me if I do it for you?" asked the dwarf.

"Use my necklace." The girl said as she quickly took off the necklace.Then he sat by the spinning-wheel, and turned and turned, and turned the wheel three times, and the spool was full.So he put on another spool, and turned and turned and turned, and three times it was full again.And so it went on to the next morning, when all the straw had been spun, and the spools were full of gold thread.

As soon as the sun came out, the king came.He was stunned when he saw all the gold threads, and of course he was very happy.But his heart was full of desire for valuable gold thread.He imprisoned the miller's daughter in a larger house filled with straw, and threatened her to spin them all into golden thread if she wanted to die.

The girl still didn't know what to do this time, and cried again.Then the door opened as before, and the dwarf came in again and said to her, "How will you repay me if I spin the straw into golden thread for you?"

"Use the ring on my finger," said the girl.The dwarf took the ring, and began to spin.The spinning wheel went round and round, and next morning all the straw was spun into golden threads.

The king's joy was indescribable when he saw the golden thread in front of him.However, his greed for gold thread has not been satisfied.Once more he shut the miller's daughter in a house full of straw, which was even bigger than the previous two times, and said to her, "You must spin all these in one night. If you can do it this time, I will marry you." "Although she is only the daughter of a miller." The king thought to himself, "but I am afraid that no such rich wife can be found in the whole world."

When only the girl was left alone, the dwarf appeared for the third time, and he asked again: "If I help you spin the straw into golden thread this time, how will you repay me?" "But I have nothing to give you." Yes." The girl replied. "Then only if you promise to be queen and give me your first child." "God knows if I will be queen or not?" thought the Miller's daughter, and she couldn't think of any other way.So she agreed to the dwarf's request.Then he set to work at once, and again spun the straw into golden thread.When the king came next morning, he got what he wanted.He kept his promise and took her as his wife immediately, and the miller's daughter became queen.

A year passed, and the queen gave birth to a beautiful son.She seemed to have long forgotten about the dwarf.Who knows that one day he came to her room and said to her: "Now is the time for you to fulfill your promise." The miller's daughter is already the queen at this time, as long as he doesn't ask for her child anymore, he can take it away. and all the treasure he could want.But the dwarf said, "No. A living child is worth more than all the wealth in the world." The queen was so anxious that he cried, which made the dwarf a little embarrassed.He said to the queen:
"Well, I'll give you three days to guess my name. If you guess it then, you can keep your child."

So the queen spent the night thinking of all the names she had heard.Moreover, she also sent envoys to quickly go to all parts of the country to collect the names that could be asked.When the dwarves came the first day, she rattled off Cusper, McKill, Beshazza, and all the names she knew.But the dwarf cried, "That's not my name," and rejected them one by one.The next day, she sent people to neighboring countries to collect everyone's names, and got a long list full of strange and strange names.When the dwarf reappeared, she asked, "Is your name Spinhanks, Quexhanks, or Spinderhanks?" But the dwarf always replied, "That's not my name." .” On the third day, the emissary came back and said, “I can’t find any other new names.

But as I was climbing up a high hill, and passing through a wood infested with foxes and hares, I saw a little house.

In front of the house was a big fire, and around it a strange little man was jumping up and down, singing:

"Today I roast meat, tomorrow I brew wine, and then I take the child away——The noble lady didn't expect, my name is Dwarf Monster!"

You can imagine how happy the Queen was when she heard the name.The dwarf came to her again and asked her: "Well, my queen, what's my name?" She first said deliberately: "Is your name Conrad?" "No."

"Is that Henry?" "No." "I think you should be called Rumpelstilt." "The devil must have told you that!" screamed Rumpolier.Angrily, he stepped on his right foot to the ground, his waist sank into the ground, and then he grabbed his left foot frantically, tearing himself in two with both hands.

(End of this chapter)

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