blue fairy tale book

Chapter 20 Felicia and Dianthus Potted Plants

Chapter 20 Felicia and Dianthus Potted Plants

Once upon a time, there was a poor farmer who wished to distribute his property to his beloved children before he died.

So he called the children to him and said to them, "Your mother left her dowry—two stools and a straw bed. As for me, I only have a hen, a pot of carnations, and a silver coin. Rings. These three things were given to me by a lady who once lived in our humble house. She said to me before she left, "Keep your presents carefully, good person. Remember never to leave the rings If you lose it, don't forget to water the carnation. And your daughter, I wish her the most beautiful beauty in the world. You can call her Felicia. When she grows up, put this Leave her the ring and this pot of carnations'. Take them, my dear daughter." He added:
"Your brother will get his share, too."

The two children seem to be happy with their father's allocation.When my father died, they gave him a mournful funeral and then distributed the property according to the will.At first Felicia thought that her brother must love her too.Unexpectedly, when she sat on a stool, he actually shouted angrily: "Take your pot of carnation and that ring away, and don't touch my things. I'm in charge now."

The docile Felicia didn't say a word, but shed tears silently.And her brother Bruno sat comfortably by the fire.When it was time for dinner, my brother ate an egg deliciously, threw the shell in front of Felicia, and said, "Hey, that's the food I can give you. If you don't like it, you can go out and catch some frogs yourself." Make dinner. There are plenty of them in the nearby swamps!" Felicia didn't say a word, but cried even more sadly, and returned to her small room alone.There she smelled the fragrance of carnation, she went up to her and cried sadly: "beautiful carnation, you are so fragrant and beautiful, now you are my only comfort. Believe me, I will take good care of you, every day for you You water and never let cruel people pluck you from the branches."

When she got close to the pink flowers, she found that they had dried up.She quickly picked up the kettle, and immediately ran to a clear spring far away.When she was resting by the clear spring, before she had time to draw water, she found a majestic queen walking towards her surrounded by many maids.Six palace maids were carrying the sedan chair, and the lady was sitting inside with a pillow on her arm.

When they approached the clear spring, someone propped up a canopy for the queen, placed a gold silk sofa, and immediately served a delicious dinner.The table was covered with gold and crystal cutlery.At this time, the woods were rustling, and a soft music was played along with the singing of the clear spring.

Felicia hid behind the shade of the tree, stunned by what happened before her eyes, and remained motionless.Unexpectedly, after a while, the queen actually ordered: "I think there is a little girl behind that tree. Go and let her come too." Felicia had no choice but to step forward and salute the queen timidly.All the people present were deeply shocked by her beauty.

"My sweet little girl, what do you want here?" asked the Queen. "Aren't you afraid of robbers?"

"Oh! Your Majesty, how can a poor, penniless girl be afraid of robbers?"

"That is to say, you are not very rich?" the Queen asked her with a smile.

"Very poor actually. I have only one carnation and one silver ring in this world," replied Felicia.

"But you still have a heart," said the Queen. "Do you dare to say that no one will try to steal it?"

"I really can't imagine what it would be like to live without a heart, Your Majesty," she replied, "but I've heard that one can't live without a heart; I'm sure I'm going to die. I'm poor, but I'm not sad enough to die."

"Yes, it is right to take good care of your beautiful heart," said the Queen. "Well, tell me, have you had your supper yet?"

"Not yet, Your Majesty," Felicia replied. "My brother has finished all his supper."

So the Queen ordered a seat for the little girl at the table, and she served her many delicious foods herself.As for her, it seemed that she forgot to be hungry because of excessive surprise.

"I wonder what on earth you are doing here so late?" asked the queen.

"I'm here to fetch water for my carnation, Your Majesty the Queen." After she finished speaking, she leaned over and picked up the jug at her feet, and handed it to the Queen.Then she was astonished to find that the jug had turned into gold, and was studded with glittering diamonds.The jug was already filled with spring water more fragrant than roses.She was at first afraid to accept the golden jug, and the queen said, "It is yours, Felicia. Go and water your carnations with it. When you see it, you will remember that the queen of the forest is yours." friend."

The girl knelt down at the Queen's feet, and thanked respectfully: "Ah! Your Majesty, please forgive me for asking you to wait here for a while, and I will go back and bring you that pot of carnation immediately, so that it will not fall into the wrong hands. gone."

"Go, Felicia," said the Queen, patting her cheek lightly. "I'll wait here for you when you come back."

So Felicia took the golden kettle and ran back to her small room in one breath.Unexpectedly, just as she was leaving the house, Bruno came in and took the flower pot, leaving only a huge cabbage.Seeing the unfortunate cabbage, Felicia was so sad that she didn't know what to do.But in the end she ran back to Qingquan, knelt down in front of the queen and cried, "Your Majesty, my brother Bruno stole my carnation and left only my silver ring. Now please accept it as a token of my gratitude to you." thanks."

"But if I take your ring, pretty girl, you will really have nothing. What will you do then?" asked the Queen.

"Oh! Your Majesty," she answered promptly, "I shall be well off with your friendship."

So the queen accepted the ring and put it on her finger, and stepped into her coral carriage studded with emeralds and drawn by six white horses.Felicia watched them until the swaying forest hid them.Then she returned to her room while recalling what had just happened.

The first thing I do when I get back to my room is to throw the remaining giant cabbage out the window.Suddenly she was surprised to hear a strange voice outside the window shouting: "Oh! I nearly fell to my death!" She could not figure out where the sound came from, because cabbages can't talk.

Soon it was daylight, and Felicia, saddened by the carnation, went out in search of it.The first thing she found was still the unfortunate cabbage.She kicked it aside with her foot and said, "What are you doing here? How dare you pretend to be my carnation."

"I wouldn't want to come here if it wasn't for someone else moving here." Cabbage actually answered her.

Cabbages could talk, and it really made her shiver.But it went on: "If you will be kind enough to plant me again with the other cabbages, I will tell you at once where the carnation is. It is hidden under Bruno's bed."

Hearing this, Felicia felt desperate, and she really didn't know how to get back the carnation.But she was kind enough to replant the cabbage in its old place.When she was done, she saw Bruno's hen, grabbed it, and yelled, "Come here, nasty fellow. It's time for Bruno to be punished for his insolence!"

"Oh! my dear girl, please don't kill me," cried the hen hastily. "I am a good chatterer, and I can tell you something that surprises you but is something you really want to know. Don't think you It was really the daughter of the poor farmer who raised you. Actually your mother was a queen with six daughters. But the king threatened her with beheading if she didn't bear a son to inherit the kingdom.

So when the queen gave birth to a daughter again, she was so terrified that she agreed to exchange sons with her sister (a fairy).The queen was imprisoned in a tower by the order of the king.But after a long time, she didn't hear from her sister, so she took her little daughter and escaped from the window along the rope ladder, running around.Just when she was about to be tortured to death by cold and hunger, she came here.I'm actually the farmer's wife--a fine wet nurse.The queen entrusted you to me, and related all her misfortunes.But before she could tell you what to do, she died.

I was never able to keep a secret, and I ended up telling all my neighbors about this strange incident.

Finally one day, a beautiful woman came here, and I told her about it.Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, she tapped me with the magic wand in her hand, and I turned into a hen.This way I can no longer chat with other people.I was so devastated, and my husband wasn't home at the time, so I had no idea what was going on with me.When he came back and searched for me, he thought I must have been drowned, or eaten by some ferocious beast in the forest.Then the woman came here again, and ordered you to be named Felicia, and left you the silver ring and the carnation.It happened then that twenty-five of the king's soldiers came to search, and there was no doubt that they wanted to kill you.But when she said a spell, they all turned into cabbages.The one you threw out the window yesterday was one of them. "

"I really didn't know he could talk, because I've never even heard them talk. I still can't believe it." The princess was very surprised by the story the hen told, and asked gently, " I'm so sorry, my poor nurse, and I wish I had the power to restore you to your original state. As you've said, we shouldn't despair. I think something will happen soon. But for now, I should go Find my carnation. It's my favorite thing in the world."

Bruno, who went out to the forest, never dreamed that Felicia would go to his room to search for the carnation.She was very glad to see that her brother was away, for the carnations could be easily taken away that way.Unexpectedly, as soon as she stepped into the door, she saw a group of scary mice guarding the grass bed.When she tried to get close to the bed, they immediately jumped on her frantically, scratching and biting.She was very frightened and backed away screaming, "Oh! My beloved carnation, how can I have the heart to let you stay here with them?" At this moment, she suddenly thought of the golden kettle, hoping that the water in it would have some magic power.So she hurried to get the water-canteen, and just sprinkled a few drops on the ferocious-looking nest of mice, and they were gone—not even a tail or whiskers left on the bed.She finally found her carnation safely.When she saw that it was almost dry due to lack of water, she quickly poured all the water left in the kettle into the flowerpot.When she bent down to enjoy the fragrance, she suddenly heard a rustling voice among the leaves: "Lovely Felicia, I have finally waited until this day to be happy to tell you that even the flowers love you, all for your sake." Beautiful and happy."

The poor princess, after seeing the talking cabbage, the hen, and the carnation, and witnessing a terrible nest of mice, could bear it no longer, grew pale, and fainted.

Just then Bruno came home.The heavy labor in the scorching heat did not change his bad temper at all.

When he saw that Felicia had found her pinks, he was so annoyed that he dragged her into the garden, and shut the door behind him.The fresh air in the garden awakened her at once, and she opened her eyes to see standing before her the ever-glamorous Queen of the Forest.

"It seems that you have a bad brother." She said indignantly, "I saw him drag you out with my own eyes. Shall I punish him for you?"

"Oh! No, Your Majesty," she answered, "I will not be angry with him."

"How about you think he's not your real brother, so what will you do?" the queen asked.

"Oh! I suppose he should be," said Felicia.

"What?" the queen couldn't believe it, "don't you know you're a princess?"

"I just heard about it, Your Majesty. But without any evidence, how can I believe it is true?"

"Ah! sweet child," said the Queen, "your words and deeds prove that you are indeed a true princess, however lowly you are now. I will spare you from such suffering."

At this time, she was interrupted by the arrival of a handsome man.He wore a green cloak with buttons made of precious stones, and on his head a crown of carnations.He got down on one knee and kissed the queen's hand.

"Ah!" she cried out, "my carnation, my beloved son, I am so happy to see you restored to your original appearance with Felicia's help." After she finished speaking, she hugged happily son.Then she turned to Felicia and said, "My charming princess, I already know all that the hen tells. But you don't know that I entrusted Zephyr to send my son to the tower, because you My mother is anxiously waiting for my answer. Unexpectedly, "West Wind" only sent him to the garden, but a witch who had quarreled with me turned him into a carnation, but I couldn't help it Prevent.

You can imagine how angry I was about this.I tried everything I could to undo her spell, but to no avail.I have no choice but to bring Prince Dianthus to the place where you live, hoping that he will fall in love with you when you grow up, and let him recover through your love.You see, everything is going well, I really hope so.By the time you gave me that silver ring, the spell's power had nearly expired, so my enemies had to resort to a last resort.She sent her brood of vicious rats to try to scare you away.Of course she failed.Dear Felicia, if you will wear this ring now and marry my son, you will be happy later.Do you think he is handsome and kind enough to be worth marrying? "

"Your Majesty, I am touched by your kindness. I know you must be my mother's sister. And thanks to you for turning the soldiers who came to kill me into cabbages and the rambling nurse into a hen. You What I have done makes me feel so honored to be married to a prince. Why should I hesitate? I feel so blessed to be loved at last. Can you really give me the heart of a princess?"

"You have got it, sweet princess!" exclaimed the Prince, taking her by the hand. "If the spell had not taken away my power of speech, I would have told you how much I loved you."

These words pleased the princess, and the Queen of the Forest did not want to see her still dressed like a poor girl, so she touched her with her magic wand and said, "I wish you to dress as noble and beautiful as the princess. "After speaking, the princess's cloth clothes immediately changed into a gorgeous brocade robe inlaid with rubies, a diamond crown was worn on her smooth black hair, and a white veil fluttered below.She had big eyes and a lovely flush on her cheeks, and she looked so gorgeous.The prince could bear it no longer: "Felicia, you are so beautiful! Don't make me suffer any more. I beg you to promise to marry me!"

"Haha!" said the Forest Queen with a smile, "I don't think she will refuse now!"

At this moment, Bruno just came out of the house and hurried to work. When he saw the princess-like Felicia, he thought he was dreaming.But she called to him kindly, and begged the Queen of the Forest to forgive him for what he had done wrong.

"What?" said the Forest Queen, "think how rude he is to you!"

"Oh! Your Majesty," explained the princess, "I am so happy now that I wish everyone to be happy too."

The Queen of the Forest kissed her and said, "Okay, it's up to you. Let me see what I can do for this bad-tempered Bruno." It turned into a palace full of treasures.Only the two stools and the grass bed remained in place, reminding him not to forget his poor life.Then the queen tapped Bruno again with her magic wand, turning him into a well-mannered gentleman.He is very grateful to the queen and princess.Finally, the queen restored the hen and cabbage to their original state, and left satisfied.

The prince and princess had a grand wedding soon and lived happily ever after.

(End of this chapter)

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